  • Di-Facto

    Digital Facilitation in Primary Care

    Information for Researchers

    To ensure fairness in the provision of healthcare to different groups of people, we need to understand what barriers there are to using digital services and how they might be overcome.

    How will data gathered from GP surgeries in England inform the Di-Facto project?

    We are using surveys to ask NHS patients and carers about their experience of existing digital facilitation services that their GP surgeries offer. We are also interviewing a number of patients and staff of GP surgeries to help gain insight into the potential benefits and challenges associated with different approaches being used to promote internet based services.

    Research Findings & Publications

    Details of publications and dissemination activity can be found on our Project News, Dissemination and Publications page. When we bring our research findings together, resources for NHS patients and careers will be posted on our Resources page.

    We concluded from the literature review that “Digital facilitation has the potential to increase the uptake and use of web-based services by primary care patients. Understanding the approaches that are most effective and cost-effective, for whom, and under what circumstances requires further research, including rigorous evaluations of longer-term impacts. As efforts continue to increase the use of web-based services in primary care in England and elsewhere, we offer an early typology to inform conceptual development and evaluations.”

    Di-Facto Work Package 1 Team