In the third blog post of their digital skills series, Dave Weller, Digital Skills Lead at the University of Exeter, discusses why upgrading digital skills is harder than upgrading technology – and how the University’s Digital Skills Initiative will approach digital upskilling.
Category: People Chapter
Digital Skills at the University of Exeter – Digital Wellbeing
The ability to use technology and digital services safely and in a positive manner is a critical digital skill, and one that underpins the approach that the University of Exeter’s Digital Skills Leads, Katie Steen and Dave Weller are taking towards digital upskilling.
In the second blog post of their digital skills series, Katie sheds more light on why digital wellbeing is so important – in both the workplace and at home.
Digital Skills at the University of Exeter – What do we mean by digital skills?
Katie and Dave are our Digital Skills Leads, focusing on finding ways for our University community to develop their digital skills.
This is the first blog post in a series centred around digital skills at the University of Exeter, defining what we really mean by ‘digital skills’.