In case you missed it, here’s a snapshot of our biggest achievements from the past year, as captured in our 2024 highlights video below!
Tag: upskilling
Piloting the University of Exeter’s Digital Skills Initiative
After 12 months of stakeholder engagement, in-house development and design work, the Digital team are proud to have released the pilot for the Digital Skills self-assessment quiz and library.
This blog shares an update on the first phase of the pilot.
What does ‘digital productivity’ really mean?
With just a few months to go before the Digital Skills self-assessment quiz and library are launched to all colleagues across the University, Katie Steen, Digital Skills Lead for the University of Exeter, wants to draw people’s attention to one of the key motivations behind the Digital Skills Initiative – that of making people more digitally productive… and to emphasise that this does not mean using the computer more.
Navigating Digital Wellbeing at University: Managing Digital Anxiety
At the Digital Hub, we want to help the University community feel more comfortable while using new digital tools.
This blog post written by the Digital Hub team shares the Digital Hub’s top tips for managing digital anxiety.
The University of Exeter’s Digital Skills Initiative Pilot Begins
Learn more about our plans to pilot our Digital Skills Initiative self-assessment quiz and digital skills library this November!
A Lego Game Workshop with University of Exeter Students: Fostering Collaboration, Creativity, and Fun
To encourage team working and creativity, Priyanka Mittal, Scrum Master in the University of Exeter’s Digital team, designed a Lego game workshop for the University’s post grad bioscience students.
This blog post shares how Priyanka’s Lego game workshop created an engaging platform for students to collaborate, think creatively, and, most importantly, have fun!
What is digital identity management?
Everyone who’s been online has a digital identity.
Learn how you can take control of your digital identity.
Five digital tips for starting university
Starting university can be very overwhelming with so many things to do in preparation. However, there are a few digital tips that can make those first few weeks a bit easier to navigate. Here are some of the top things to tick off your checklist during the first few weeks at the University of Exeter.
Digital Skills at the University of Exeter: What do we mean by ‘digital creation’?
The subject of digital creation is a really interesting one at the moment, as Artificial Intelligence launches itself more into our everyday world and the traditional pen and paper become more and more threatened. The University of Exeter’s Digital Skill lead, Katie Steen, discusses more.
The University of Exeter’s First Digital Team Hackathon: A Journey of Innovation and Collaboration
To foster creativity and teamwork, our digital team recently embarked on an exciting journey: our very first hackathon. This event was not just about coding; it was about bringing together diverse minds to solve real-Students problems, learn new skills, and build something amazing from scratch!