The DREAM Project

Participant information (health and social care staff)

What is it about?

We are approaching a number of health and care professionals who work in non-hospital settings to learn more about their thoughts and experiences of conducting Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA).This study is funded by National Institute for Health Research.

Why enhanced geriatric assessment?

A Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is a process involving older people (usually aged 65 and over), their families, and health and social care staff to identify and help manage health and wellbeing, and prevent new problems arising. We are exploring the development of an enhanced form of GCA (eGCA) as a potential means of optimising assessment, such as using remote assessment. However, we have some concerns that while this may be of benefit to some patients, it has the potential to further disadvantage other patients (for example those with sensory impairment or those who have little or no experience of using remote technologies. This is where we would like your input.

What would taking part involve?

If you decide to take part in the research, we will interact with you by telephone or internet. A member of the research team will contact you via telephone to talk more about the study. They can answer any

questions you have and explain how we collect your permission to take part in the research.

With your written consent, and at a time that is convenient for you, you will be asked to take part in an interview or focus group (via telephone or the internet, or face to face if you prefer) about your experiences of CGA.

All information that is collected about you and from you during the course of the study will be kept strictly confidential. Any information about you will be removed and replaced with a code number so that you cannot be identified.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
Your participation in an interview or focus group will help us develop a plan of what enhanced assessment and care could look like and how we might evaluate it in the future. 

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part?

Taking part will take approximately an hour of your time.

What is the potential impact?

This could lead to improvements in future assessment and management of older people living with frailty.

Would you like more information?

Return the completed ‘Expression of Interest’ form. One of the research team will be happy to discuss any questions and provide you with additional information.

Thank you for your interest.