The feasibility study which has led up to this project involved extensive PPI involvement. A panel of two carers and a person with Parkinson’s disease and falls were involved in the development of the project, preparation of participant materials, writing of lay summaries, trial management and trial oversight.

The development of the intervention was underpinned by extensive qualitative work with people with dementia and carers. We will work with the Community Interest Company “Innovations in Dementia” to coordinate PPI involvement. Our PPI panel identified this as an important area for research, has contributed to the plain English summary and will contribute to the management and delivery of this study. A study PPI panel, co-led by a PPI member and RL, will meet regularly to review progress and dissemination strategy. Research network volunteers will be welcome to attend PPI panel meetings. One PPI panel member will be a trial management group member and 2 will be trial steering committee members. The PPI panel member will be supported to develop their role in the project, to include reviewing patient facing materials and contributing to ongoing staff training and events planning. They will advise on plain language summaries of papers. They will help plan and take part in dissemination events.