Co-production Study
Exploring access to healthcare
for neurodiverse young people
MAP Co-production Study
We held workshops with 14 stakeholders to turn the findings from our national survey and qualitative study into resources for people with ADHD, health professionals and commissioners.
We Heard From:
- Health professionals working in primary care (e.g., GPs, nurses, and practice managers)
- People with ADHD (16+) and their family members
- Members of the MAP research team
* People had to be 16 years or over and living/working in England to take part.
Co-producing resources with multiple stakeholders
What we did?
We conducted 2 online workshops with people with lived experience of ADHD, and health professionals respectively. Members of the MAP research team attended both workshops as participants, leading the structure of meetings but with shared power in the process. Workshops followed a pre-determined structure, using workbooks designed by a member of the research team to guide discussions.
The results of the workshops were used to produce resources for young people with ADHD, health professionals and commissioners. Some of these resources are already available on our website, here. Others are still in the works!