Exploring access to healthcare
for neurodiverse young people
Please see the outputs and findings from our research below! So far our research has been published in high impact journals and presented at conferences. We also have some resources for young people with ADHD and their supporters to help them access healthcare.
Resources for people with ADHD and their supporters
Our co-production work has helped us create a resource out of MAP findings which you may find beneficial if you are trying to access healthcare for ADHD. In the guide below, you will find:
- A simple roadmap of the stages of receiving treatment for ADHD in the UK
- Instructions and support for setting up reasonable adjustments with your GP
- An explanation of the different options for accessing care in the UK
- Top tips for getting shared care agreements in place for your medication

The British Journal of General Practice has recently accepted the main national survey paper and our qualitative study. The qualitative paper has been selected to be featured by BJGP and Becky and Anna have recorded a podcast for their website about the work they’ve been doing on MAP.
Price A, Becker K, Ward J, Ukoumunne O, Coniam-Gudka R, Salimi A, Mughal F, Melendez-Torres GJ, Smith J, Newlove-Delgado T, et al (2024). Support for primary care prescribing for adult ADHD in England: national survey. British Journal of General Practice.
Gudka R, Becker K, Ward J, Smith J, Mughal F, Melendez-Torres GJ, Newlove-Delgado T, Price A (2024). Primary care provision for young people with ADHD: a multi-perspective qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice.
Other Publications
Ward J, McBride A, Gudka R, Becker K, Newlove-Delgado T, Price A (2024). Wider health needs in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from lived and professional experience: a qualitative framework analysis. British Medical Journal Open.
Price A (2023). Working collaboratively with people with lived experience to map and co-create guidance on improving health services for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). European psychiatry: the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists.
Price A, Smith, JR, Mughal F, Salimi A, and Newlove-Delgado T (2023). Managing young people with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP), mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population: protocol for a mixed-methods study. British Medical Journal Open.