Department of Maths and Stats local

Department of Maths and Stats local

In category: Prizes and Lectures

PhD Publication Prize

Our PhD students are vital participants in the research culture of the Department and their publications (whether during or after PhD) raise the international profile of the department, as well as contribute to scientific knowledge, to their own theses and their future careers. Eligibility: Process:


Ozgur Akman Travel Bursary

The Department has set up a postgraduate travel bursary in memory of Ozgur.  It is open to all postgraduate research students who have at least one Supervisor based in the Department and three bursaries of up to £500 each are available to apply for to help with travel and related costs associated with a research […]


Robin Chapman Memorial Lecture

This is an occasional lecture in honour of our esteemed Exeter colleague and friend, Dr Robin Chapman, who sadly and unexpectedly passed away in October 2020. Robin was a lecturer in the department since 1990; he was well known for his very wide knowledge of pure mathematics and his ability to find simple and elegant […]


Prizes and lectures

The department offers a range of prizes, lectures and a visiting fellowship that celebrate outstanding achievements in research and education in Mathematics and Statistics.


David Rees Fellowship

The David Rees Distinguished Visiting Fellowship scheme enables mathematicians of international renown to spend an extended period of time at the University of Exeter to enable them to contribute to the University’s academic and intellectual activities. David Rees (1918-2013) was a Professor of Mathematics and former Head of Department at the University of Exeter. He […]
