Department of Maths and Stats local

Department of Maths and Stats local


The Exeter Centre for Mathematical Sciences acts as an organic network of mathematical interests across the University of Exeter, drawing together expertise from all three faculties in the areas of research, education, outreach and innovation in all matters related to mathematics and its applications.

Among other initial activities, we hope to establish a mentoring network for PGRs and ECRs, and set up a maths/stats research helpdesk where researchers from any discipline might be able to approach mathematicians and statisticians for support with research proposals or problems.

We also expect to run an occasional seminar series with mathematical talks from across disciplines. Other activities will follow depending on interest and input from the community, and if any of this sounds like something you’re already doing- great! We would love to promote this more through the network.

The centre is for all University of Exeter staff and students – the need to access advanced mathematical knowledge is not ‘owned’ by any single department.

Recent events:

  • ExCMS Ideas Exchange Meeting in Penryn: We held a one-day day event for the Exeter Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ExCMS) at the University’s Penryn campus on Tuesday 18th June 2024. This provided a mixture of talks and activities aimed at promoting exchange of ideas between Mathematical Sciences and other disciplines.
  • ExCMS ECR Careers Event: The Exeter Centre of mathematical Sciences (ExCMS) with the leads of the ECR Network in Mathematics and Statistics organised a day-long careers event on 22nd March 2024 focusing on different possible paths your career in the Mathematical Sciences may take. In the morning, we looked at non-academic careers that a PhD in the Mathematical Sciences may lead you. Starting with a talk from the careers team at the doctoral college, we then had four speakers talk about their current careers and how a Mathematical Sciences PhD has helped them on their path.