The current trial

This trial aims to determine whether ketamine with psychological therapy might be a useful method of reducing alcohol intake and increasing alcohol abstinence.

Trial visits will take place in person at a suitable trial site. Participants who are suitable for the trial will receive three treatments with one of two doses of ketamine; either 0.8mg/kg or 0.05mg/kg over 40 minutes given through a drip. Alongside this, they will receive seven sessions of one-to-one psychological support from a therapist, in the form of either therapy or alcohol education. The ketamine dose and type of psychological support received by each participant will be randomly assigned by a computer. Neither the participant nor the site research team will be told which dose/support they are given. To measure how effective the treatment is, alcohol use will be monitored via drink diaries, a wrist worn device and daily self-breathalysing. Participants will be followed up in person at three and six months.

Participants who complete the trial will be invited to take part in a semi-structured interview within 3 months of their final visit. This will be an opportunity to talk about their experiences on the trial with a researcher from the University of Exeter. Those who are enrolled within the first year and a half of recruitment will be offered the option of completing some online follow up questionnaires.

No further treatment with the trial intervention is offered following completion of the trial, however all participants will have the opportunity to take part in an online voluntary peer support group with other trial participants.

Visit our trial overview page for a video and diagram detailing a typical full participant journey through the trial, from screening to follow up. Prior to this, potential participants should complete a prescreening process, which begins with an online self assessment. This is available here.