Patient and public involvement

The MORE-KARE project has involved, and will continue to involve, patient and public involvement (PPI) at every stage. All participant facing materials are reviewed by PPI representatives before ethical review.

Relevant and supportive stakeholders (user advocacy groups, recovery champions, third sector providers, statutory alcohol services, primary care) will be invited to a series of regional workshops, led by our area leads and PPI champions. The workshops will take place annually: the first focused on the trial design, recruitment and principles of treatment, the second providing further therapy detail, generating insights and exploring potential treatment delivery in each setting. In the final year of the project all the regional groups will be invited to attend a conference in person (with hybrid options available), where the trial and core PPI team will present the findings and seek early input in a series of focus groups and breakout sessions.

The PPI group will work to raise awareness and educate primary care and addiction staff about the trial. Throughout the project, the PPI group, in conjunction with the core trial team, will maintain a blog reflecting experiences of research processes.