The UK Science Festivals Network – a consortium of science festivals and event organizers from across the UK, managed by the British Science Association – recently hosted its 2025 conference at the Watershed in Bristol. Engagement Manager, Dreolin Fleischer, and Regional Engagement Assistant, Catherine Hurcombe, attended the conference ahead of Exeter’s upcoming community festivals, including FUTURES 2025.
Loveland: Using Sustainable Food Growth to Connect Communities
This project, based at the Loveland site near Falmouth, Cornwall, received the Bridging Communities award to support its ongoing work combining ecological food growth with community wellbeing in nature. Dr Tim Hughes discusses his experience of using this fund to develop the project.
Using Public Engagement to Grow Interest in Special Collections: An Interview
Catherine Hurcombe from the Regional Engagement team speaks to Caroline Walter, Interim Head of University of Exeter Special Collections, and Sarah-Jayne Ainsworth, Team Leader in Special Collections and Public Engagement Lead for the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, about their experiences of public engagement in the Heritage sector.
Developing a Census for Cornwall’s Voluntary Sector
Professor Catherine Leyshon offers her insights on the University’s partnership with Volunteer Cornwall and the Volunteer Sector Forum, focusing on a recent study conducted for this project using the Bridging Communities Fund.
FUTURES – Our World From Space
In the last of our FUTURES blog series, we look at the festival’s ongoing impact – in particular, the Our World From Space project, which is working with schools across the city to deliver impactful and innovative science education.
Killerton Archaeological Earthwork Survey Training
Dr Susan Greaney, Lecturer in Archaeology, describes the role the Bridging Communities Fund played in supporting ongoing collaborations between the University of Exeter, National Trust, and Historic England. This project, informed by local archaeological sites, is focused on bringing new development opportunities to students, staff, and heritage volunteers.
‘What’s in a Will?’ Workshops
Dr Laura Sangha shares details of her role in the ongoing Leverhulme Trust project, exploring the value of wills in helping us understand the material culture of early modern England. With support from the Springboard fund, this project has encouraged public engagement through active volunteering and workshop opportunities.
Exeter Doughnut: Applying the Doughnut Economic Framework to Our City
Peter Lefort discusses his work on the Exeter Doughnut project, which uses Doughnut Economics to explore and expand upon the socioeconomic opportunities the city of Exeter has to offer. Bridging Communities funding was used to develop this project, encouraging conversation between a range of local stakeholders.
FUTURES – Pop-Up Shop and Walkie Talkies
At the core of FUTURES 2024 was the Pop-Up Curiosity Shop, based in Exeter’s Princesshay Shopping Centre. Open throughout the weekend, this shop hosted an array of creative events – from using VR to explain bird navigation, to a research treasure trail.
Nutritional Interventions for Adults at Risk of Malnutrition: a Systematic Review
Dr Lauren Struszczak spoke with us about her recent project – Systematic review of Nutritional interventions in older Adults in the Community at risK of malnutrition (SNACK): understanding characteristics, implementation, and effectiveness. Her work used PPIE (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement) funding to incorporate lived experiences into this valuable study.