Exeter Secondary English PGCE

The Power of Words Conference

Posted by Annabel Mary Watson

9 February 2021

Our partner school Cornerstone is running a free virtual English conference. While this is primarily aimed at Primary specialists, it may be of interest to Secondary English specialists with responsibility for KS2-3 transfer, or supporting struggling readers.

See below for further information:



We invite you to join us for our virtual English conference on 31st March, 9:00am – 3:00pm.

We live in a world that is built on and held together by words. They help us to discover new information and imagine new worlds, they underpin human creativity and provide us with the building block of rational thought. When we help children to learn new words and to love using them, we empower them for life and open up the joy of a good book or a good conversation. Therefore, Cornerstone English Hub invites you to an online conference the goal of which is to inspire educators in the task of encouraging children to love words.

Our line-up is headlined by Sir Michael Morpurgo, former children’s laureate, and author of over 130 beloved children’s books. His books have made it onto the cinema screen and theatre stage and are much loved across the world. He will be speaking on his work crafting stories with words and how teachers can inspire children to love books and the worlds that they create.

The event will be free and is available to book.

The day will be composed of keynote speakers, panel discussions and a wide range of breakout sessions, in three main strands:

 Brilliant Beginnings: Ensuring the basics of teaching reading are done well.

 Building Blocks: Helping children to appreciate and learn new words.

 Becoming Bookworms: Immersing children texts so that they become avid readers.

The event will be held on Microsoft Teams. We would love for you to join us.


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