Exeter School Direct Distance Secondary PGCE

GSE Open Lecture

Posted by pgcesddsec

5 February 2022

May 3rd 2022, 4.30-6pm on Zoom. For more info, see: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/events/details/index.php?event=11287

Facing Human Wrongs: Navigating the complexities and paradoxes of social and global change

This session will offer an overview of the work of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Arts/Research Collective (https://decolonialfutures.net/), with a focus on the instructional design principles of the interdisciplinary open course “Facing Human Wrongs: Navigating the complexities and paradoxes of social and global change” (https://blogs.ubc.ca/facinghumanwrongs/), which was designed to enable participants to expand their capacity and develop stamina to hold space for difficult conversations about wicked social and global challenges without feeling immobilized or demanding immediate quick fixes. This open (un)learning course uses a decolonial pedagogical framework structured around an anchoring analysis of 4 denials: the denial of systemic complicity in harm (the fact that our comforts and securities happen at the expense of others and of the planet); the denial of unsustainability of growth paradigms; the denial of entanglement (non-separability); and the denial of the depth and magnitude of our complex global predicament (the desire for quick fixes and idealization of hopeful futures). Each unit of the course was organized around an (un)learning bundle consisting of seven tasks, including meta-analytical and psycho-analytical components, land-based exercises (e.g. forest walks) and engagement with artistic practices. The course illustrates a pedagogical orientation that aims to equip us to navigate VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) in the work of social and global change.

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