Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Philosophy of Psychedelics Conference 2022

The second Philosophy of Psychedelics Conference was held at The University of Exeter in June 2022.

it was a hybrid event on philosophic issues relating to psychedelic studies. Presenters include students from Exeter’s thriving postgraduate MA and PhD courses, postdocs affiliated to research in Philosophy and Psychology, as well as eminent international scholars.

All talks and recordings of the sessions can be accessed at: www.philosophyofpsychedelics.com

Panel discussions:

  • Aesthetics and Phenomenologies
  • Philosophy of Science and Epistemologies
  • Theology and Metaphysics
  • Ideologies and Cultural Conflicts

Welcome talks from:

  • Christine Hauskeller
  • Celia Morgan
  • Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes

Keynote speakers:

  • John Buchanan
  • Farzad Mahootian
  • Luis Eduardo Luna