Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Charles Wininger

Contributor – Speaker

Charles Wininger has been a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City since 1989. He’s a licensed psychoanalyst (LP) and mental health counselor (LMHC). Author of Listening to Ecstasy: The Transformative Power of MDMA and an elder in New York’s underground psychedelic community, he stands (alongside Rick Doblin) as one of the reference-points for MDMA activism in the United States.

Colloquium Presentation: 5 July 2024

Pulling Down Heaven: Curating Group Experiences Using MDMA For Healing And Community Building


Charley Wininger and his wife Shelley have been hosting annual gatherings using MDMA for the NYC psychedelic community since 2010.  The sense of belonging and the lasting friendships that have resulted from these meaningful experiences have been a source of strength and joy for the participants. Over time, an expanding circle of love, gratitude and generosity has developed. This stands in stark contrast — as well as an antidote — to a culture where alienation and loneliness are rampant. 

And anyone can do this. As detailed in his book, “Listening to Ecstasy: The Transformational Power of MDMA,” Charley shares the crucial fine points that maximize the chances for a day of healing, bliss and kinship that many who participate declare to be the highlight of their year.