Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Adrian Webb

Adrian studied philosophy at Nottingham University in the 1980s before entering the business world where he rose to become a Board Director of Gocompare plc, Chair of London digital group, LAB, and co-founder of technology advisory company, OutcomePath.  He advises and invests in digital companies but gave up the ‘day jobs’ to restart his philosophy studies with a Masters (with a view to PhD) at the University at Exeter.  

Adrian’s primary interests lie in the philosophy of mind and philosophical aspects of the psychedelic experience with particular regard to questions of interpretation, hermeneutics, ontology and epistemology raised by transformative experiences. In 2021, he noticed a series of previously unremarked misquotations in Aldous Huxley’s famous psychedelic account The Doors of Perception and encouraged a reevaluation of Huxley’s philosophical claims in the book. His 2023 paper published in Interdisciplinary Science Reviews sets out these findings in full.

Adrian regards the Exeter Psychedelic Colloquium as a mutually supportive and respectful transdisciplinary group that offers wide perspectives on psychedelics from ethics to neuroscience.