Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Joseph Rennie

Rennie is a psychedelic enthusiast with a background in Psychology and Neuroscience. He completed his PhD at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge. The primary focus of his doctoral work was to explore how different conceptualizations of relationships within and between cognitive tasks may inform the transfer of skills following practice (a.k.a. training) and interpretation of possible outcomes. Rennie joined the Psychopharmacology lab at the University of Exeter, working alongside Professor Celia Morgan as a postdoctoral researcher, and currently holds a lecturing position in the Psychology department.

Rennie’s interests lie in the transformative and therapeutic potential of psychedelic experiences. His current research involves the application of natural language processing and machine learning to characterize the experiences induced by various substances. He is also interested in how psychedelic experiences inform metaphysical beliefs and is working to develop new tools to explore this further. Rennie believes that the transdisciplinary nature of Exeter’s Psychedelics Colloquium provides fertile ground for the holistic progression required to maximize the potential of psychedelics.