Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Iryana Mosina

Contributor – Speaker

Iryana is a curious and restless explorer of the world in its most intriguing expressions – culture, art, science, human psyche, and altered states of consciousness. She is a researcher passionate about psychedelic education. She is a raver actively engaged with diverse psycare and harm reduction services in care for vulnerable people in substance-induced distress. Her main research interests involve psychedelics, recreational settings, intentions in the psychedelic space, and harm reduction strategies.

Colloquium Presentation: 21 February 2025, 3:30-5pm (Room G17, Mood Disorder Centre, Sir Henry Wellcome Building)

Recreational versus intentional psychedelic substance use? 


Most of the psychedelic experiences do not take place in clinical settings under medical supervision. They take place “in the wild” – in nature, in retreats and ceremonies, and on countless dancefloors across the world. How “wild” does it get in non-clinical settings? 

In this talk I will be diving into various aspects of recreational psychedelic use based on my research on psychedelic experiences at music festivals (PEMF) and insights from volunteering for harm reduction services at events. What kinds of experiences does the festival setting in combination with psychedelics induce and how do these influence people’s lives? What are the risk and success factors, and is there such thing? Furthermore, combining the insights from my current ongoing research on intentions associated with psychedelic experiences, I will explore how these fit into the bigger picture of recreational substance use. 

This presentation offers an opportunity to see the results of a PEMF-related study, and possibly to connect the dots in a new way. However, most importantly, it offers a chance to dwell in memories, and to reflect upon your own experiences, views and opinions in connection with the recreational psychedelic use and intentions.