Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Team Profiles Archive - Page 2 of 2 - Exeter Psychedelic Studies

Johanna Sopanen

Johanna wrote her Master’s dissertation on Jung’s Red Book during an internship at Fundacion Vocacion Humana, a Jungian center in Buenos Aires. She has taught a course on the interlink between Depth Psychology and the psychedelic experience, offered by ‘Psychedelics Today’ forum. Her interests include Transpersonal Psychology, Ecopsychology, Holotropic Breathwork, Process philosophy, and Western Esotericism. […]


Joseph Rennie

Rennie is a psychedelic enthusiast with a background in Psychology and Neuroscience. He completed his PhD at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge. The primary focus of his doctoral work was to explore how different conceptualizations of relationships within and between cognitive tasks may inform the transfer of skills following practice […]


Joy Krecké

Joy’s academic journey spans multiple disciplines, encompassing literature, law, medicine, psychology, and neuroscience. However, it was in the neuroscience of psychedelics that she discovered her true passion. During her BSc in psychology at the University of Luxembourg, she became captivated by the intricate neurocircuits underlying various psychiatric disorders. This fascination led her to pursue a […]


Leor Roseman

Leor is a Senior Lecturer and Psychedelic Researcher at the department of psychology. He is fascinated by the ways psychedelics modify consciousness from a biopsychosocial perspective. He has previously worked at the Centre for Psychedelic Research, Imperial College London, under the mentorship of Prof. Robin Carhart-Harris and Prof. David Nutt, in the midst of a […]


Lucius Shaun Tan

Lucius is a final-year PhD candidate in Philosophy of Psychiatry at the University of Exeter, specializing in phenomenological psychopathology (the study of the subjective experience of mental illness).  His research explores the diversity of experientiality pertaining to lacking a sense of belonging and the associated mental health implications, covering such topics as loneliness, antisocial behaviours, […]


Mark Juhan Schunemann

Mark has been studying the sacramental drug-culture relationship for seven years, having presented his research in Tallinn, Harvard, Breaking Convention and Prague. His interests span theology, philosophy, critical theory, medical anthropology and literature and he looks at the relationship between measurable exteriorities, immeasurable interiorities, ritual and value generation, comparativism and natural theology. He is especially […]


Milena Marinković

Milena started off as a molecular biologist in Belgrade, and came to the University of Exeter as a PhD candidate within the EvoCell Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN). Her doctoral research examines the early evolution of neuronal control of movement in marine invertebrates through a multidisciplinary experimental lens: from behaviour to biochemistry, from single […]


Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes

Peter is an Anglo-Scandinavian philosopher of mind who specializes in the thought of Whitehead, Nietzsche, and Spinoza, and in fields pertaining to panpsychism and altered states of mind. Following his degree in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick, he became a Philosophy lecturer in London for six years after which he pursued his PhD […]
