Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Katya and I am a 4th-year student at the University of Exeter, studying International Relations and Business management with proficiency in Italian. I know it is a long title, but I certainly enjoy my course!

Today Iā€™ll walk you through my day at the university. It is Thursday morning now. I normally wake up quite early and try to get most of my studying done in the first half of the day (but it never happensā€¦:). My day starts with a plate of porridge, a healthy and traditional breakfast at home.

Iā€™ve got some reading to do for my two modules, plus preparing a report. The deadline is tomorrow and the topic is ā€œResistance to change atĀ Nokiaā€. Itā€™s a groupwork task in one of the BusĀ  iness Management modules (in Business you always do little group assignments).Ā  We are trying to identify reasons why Nokia lost its popularity and market share. Interesting, isnā€™t it? Our group is made of an English girl (but ethnically 100% French), 2 exchange students from Finland and Germany (who is Egyptian) and me, a Ukrainian. It is very diverse, everyone has their own working styles and opinions. We get along very well, even complementing each other. To be honest, that what is Exeter like! Diverse and friendly!

Later this afternoon, I have a lecture at the Business School. My walk is about 15-20 minutes long, which I absolutely adore. There is a little path by the park I like to take. Exeter is very green which give your eyes and legs a good rest. The weather is getting chillier, 13 degrees in the morning so it’s time to wear my warmer coat.

At the lecture, ā€œManaging Change and Crisis in organizationsā€, we had a guest speaker who worked at NHS internal change management for about 25 years. She shared her insights and really brought the theory to life! I had a chance to ask her questions, and personally feel very excited and satisfied with this module. This module is highly recommended!

As the evening comes, I am making my way to meet my friends for a little student Bible study. It is something I enjoy doing in my spare time. By the way, if you are a Christian who looks forward to coming to Exeter University, let me encourage you again. It is a great place to grow your faith. There is a variety of good churches, big and small, family and student oriented. On campus, there is a couple of big and lively Christian societies where you will make lifelong friendships. Similarly, if you are a Muslim or a Buddhist there are great communities where you will feel like at home.

Tonight, we picked up some nice Italian pizza (says a person who spent her year abroad in Italy!) from the pizza place called Firezza. In Exeter there is a nice choice of international cuisine including Indian, Chinese, Lebanese, American, Turkish and many more!

See you guys soon! Itā€™s now time to finish my blog because I still have to do some reading!

Yours, Katya