My degree has officially been over for a few weeks now, and in between reading of anything I can get my hands on, seeing friends and returning overdue books to the library – I have been thinking about the partial list I made in my head during peak dissertation stress regarding reasons why my degree has been worth it, no matter the outcome. So this afternoon armed with a coffee, my typewriter and a huge heap of nostalgia I wrote them up and now it’s time to give them a home.

10 Reasons Why My Degree is the best thing I’ve ever done: no matter the outcome.

  1. I am not the same person I was coming in.
  2. Because I have made the most wonderful, talented, passionate friends who make me proud to know them every single day.
  3. Because I know way too much about way too little, but that allows me to have a perspective on so much more.
  4. I have read hundreds of books and I hate to think how many critical articles and have then proceeded to write 28,000 words this year alone. But, despite all that I still love my subject, something which I realise is a rare privilege.
  5. Because I have read some of the greatest works of literature, I love that I got to witness my own growth of understanding facilitated by the reading of Homer’s Odyssey in first year and the Illiad in third year.
  6. I love that I wrote history essays on art and architecture and nearly always found a way to sneak in a literary reference.
  7. I love that opportunities like The Thrown Gauntlet Festival and student-run magazines allowed me to exerciseĀ these skills in creative environments.
  8. BecauseĀ I was “Falmouth in my free time”.
  9. Specialising for my degree did not limit my opportunities for interdisciplinary study, it widened them.
  10. I got to live in Cornwall for three years.
  11. University was everything I first dreamed it would be. Every ounce of blood, [stress] and tears was worth it and I wouldn’t change a single second of it. Not for the world.

Now that list is in no way comprehensive, or in order of preference, or indeed only 10 reasons long. I won’t lie, University has been one of the hardest, most stressful experiences of my life, and there is no doubt there are still some stressful days to come, but the message is I loved it.