Looking for something to do after you’ve reached a deadline? I have a perfect suggestion for you! A day out in Exmouth, which is one of the most picturesque seaside towns in Devon. While you’re there you can take a long scenic walk along the sandy seashore, reach the rocky cliff-tops and end your day in one of the local inns serving the regional specialty – Exe Mussels. In this blog entry, I will provide you with a short guide of how to get to Exmouth and make the most out of your time there!

How to get there

To get from Exeter to Exmouth I tend to take a train – from Exeter City Centre or St. David’s to Exmouth. The ticket costs roughly £10 and the journey is quite short as it takes about 30 minutes. Here’s a little advice! Remember to sit on the right side of train as during the journey you will see a lot of amazing views and most of them are on the right.

If you are feeling sporty you can also cycle to Exmouth!  It is a very pleasant – however, longer ride that takes roughly about 2 hours (or less depending on how fast you’re cycling). On the route I definitely recommend stopping by in few places as Topsham, which has a quaint antique store and shops or in one of the birdwatching places alongside the river.

You can click the link below to see the bike path I take to get to Exmouth!


Let’s go on a walk!

When you arrive in Exmouth, the first thing you should do is take a stroll along the beautiful seashore. You can either chose to walk on the beach in the sand and collect colourful shells or take the footpath alongside many small local restaurants and cafés. Beware! Make sure you check the tide times before you walk on the beach – I learnt the hard way about getting trapped by the tide and having to walk through the water. 🙂

Another place that worth visiting is the Geoneedle, which requires some climbing to get there. The Geoneedle was unveiled by Prince Charles in 2002 and is located on the top of the Orcombe Point, which is part of the Jurassic Coast – a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Where to eat in Exmouth

After the long walk you probably want to sit down and enjoy some filthy good food. Here are some of my recommendations.

Firstly, if you in Exmouth you must try the regional specialty – Exmouth mussels. The places I recommend getting them is The Grove and The Rockfish.

However, if you are not particularly a big fan of seafood, I recommend going to The Bath House, which offers a wide range of burgers, Sunday roasts and delicious desserts.

I definitely recommend going to Exmouth, especially if you want to go on a short trip for one day. Also, if you know any other great places, I should visit comment them down below. 🙂