Hi! I’m Annie, and I’m studying for a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Choosing which universities you want to apply for at the moment may be daunting for some. Without being able to visit the cities and get a feel for the place you might find it difficult to picture yourself living there. HOWEVER… many universities are adapting to offer online open days!
You may be hesitant to attend as you feel it won’t be the same experience and you won’t be able to get the information that you need. BUT… fear not I am going to explain all the resources you have available on an online open day and what you can get out of it!
- Campus tour – it might seem a bizarre concept but campus tours are available for all University of Exeter campuses. If you are wanting to get a feel for the campus this is a great way to get to see it, lead by one of the universities student ambassadors.
- Subject booths – Each subject available has a subject booth that can be accessed through the main auditorium. At the stand there are a number of resources that are available to read and print, as well as students and staff members online to answer any questions you might have. It’s a great way to interact with students already on your course and get to know their experience.
- Admissions – At the admissions stand there are a number of resources available for students who may require help with the admissions process. There are a number of useful links, as well as staff members available to answer your questions.
- Accommodation – A great way of getting to see the accommodation as well as understand current student experiences is to visit the accommodation stand. There you are able to access video about the different types of accommodation available as well as listen to students talking about their personal experiences. Moreover, there are staff on hand to answer questions you might have about accommodation.
- Student Life – The student life stand is a great way of getting to know what its like to be a student studying at the University of Exeter. There are a variety of videos and documents on sports, life and opportunities available whilst studying at the university.
- International Admissions – As well as an admissions stand, there is a more specific international admissions stand. The process for international student is often very different and so specific content has been created for those looking to study internationally. It also covers funding available as well as the support that is provided.
- Networking – If you are interested in speaking to other prospective students as well as academics, students and staff, the networking booth is a great way to get involved in conversation. There are a number of live threads you are able to add to!
- Support services – There are a number of support available whilst studying at the university, an overview of these can be found at the support services stand. There are also people online to answer any questions you might have.
- Auditorium – The auditorium stand has a number of videos available, from subject talks to student life. All presentations that are great to see. These presentations would otherwise be available at a normal open day and are a great way of finding out information about your course and the university.
How to book an online open day? Here are some useful links in signing up for an online open day. They show the dates available and how to register. Postgraduate http://www.exeter.ac.uk/postgraduate/opendays/ Undergraduate http://www.exeter.ac.uk/undergraduate/visit/
The University of Exeter’s online open days are a great way to find out more information about the university and your course. There are a number of student and staff members across the stands providing a great way to interact and to get to know their experiences. The platform also allows you to download resources that you might find useful in gaining a deeper insight. Overall I would thoroughly recommend attending!