ChristmasThe number of weeks I’ve been here has hit the double digits! And the temperatures here have finally broken into the single digit range so at last I felt like it was acceptable to break out my ā€œwinterā€ coat. Back home, Iā€™m used to saving my winter coat for when itā€™s absolutely a necessity because if you start wearing your winter jacket when itā€™s only kind of cold and not freezing cold, youā€™ll have nothing warm enough to wear when itā€™s freezing cold. I donā€™t think I really needed to apply this mentality here in Exeter but some habits die hard.

I believe itā€™s also acceptable to announce to the world that the Christmas season has official descended! We had a light-up ceremony on Thursday in Princesshay, which is like the central shopping district/square; it was all very exciting and lots of good fun. Iā€™m not sure if we have these light-up ceremonies back home; I feel like we would and Iā€™ve just never paid enough attention to know that they were going on. Iā€™ll have to make a note to keep a lookout for it next year. I feel like I keep saying Iā€™ll do all these things once I get back and itā€™s all just going to amass into this one big list; perhaps Iā€™m better off saying that Iā€™ll go back home and try and be a little bit more of a tourist instead of subtly avoiding it.

Read the rest of Melissa’s post…