Wilson Group – Evolution, behaviour, genetics

Wilson Group – Evolution, behaviour, genetics


Email if you don’t have access to any of our papers that may be useful and I will send you a pdf.


P.M. Prentice, A. Thorton, A.J Wilson (2021) A multivariate view of cognitive performance reveals positive correlation in the Trinidadian Guppy (Poecilia reticulata). BioRxiv, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.04.467320v2


A. Humanes, L. Lachs, E. Beauchamp, L. Bukurou, D. Buzzoni, J. Bythell, J. Craggs, R. de la Torre, A. Edwards, Y. Golbuu, H. Martinez, P. Palmowski, E. van der Steeg, M. Sweet, A. Ward, A.J. Wilson, J. Guest (2024) Selective breeding enhances coral heat tolerance to marine heatwaves. Nature Communications. (In press).

M.R. Stothart, S.A. Medill, R.J. Greuel, A.J. Wilson, J. Poissant (2024) Methanogenic patterns in the gut microbiome are associated with survival in a population of feral horses. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49963-x

A.J. Wilson, J. Poissant (2024) Quantitative genetics in natural populations. Encylopedia of Evolution, 2nd Edition (Elsevier). Preprint version here

S.D. Green, A.J. Wilson, M. Stevens (2024) Background selection for camouflage shifts in accordance with color change in an intertidal prawn. Behavioral Ecology 35: arae060. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arae060

R. Rickward, F. Santostefano, A.J. Wilson (2024) Among-individual behavioural variation in the ornamental red cherry shrimp, Neocaridina heteropoda. Ecology and Evolution, 14: e11049. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.11049

O. La Loggia, A.J. Wilson, B. Taborsky (2024) Early social complexity influences social behaviour but not social trajectories in a cooperatively-breeding cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science, 11: 230740. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.230740

J. Langford, T. Fawcett, E. Price, D. Bradley, A. Wilson, D. Croft (2024) Bio-logging reveals heritable patterns of natural behaviours in sheep. Acta IMEKO, 13: 1-6. DOI: 10.21014/actaimeko.v13i1.1733

V.P. Narayan, N. Wasana, A.J. Wilson, S. Chenoweth (2024) Misaligned plastic and evolutionary responses of lifespan to novel carbohydrate diets. Royal Society Open Science, 11: 231732. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.231732


P. Capilla-Lasheras, A.J. Wilson, A.J. Young (2023) Mothers in a cooperatively breeding bird increase investment per offspring at the pre-natal stage when they will have more help with post-natal care. PloS Biology, 21: e3002356. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002356

P. Prentice, A. Thornton, N. Kolm, A.J. Wilson (2023) Genetic and context-specific effects on individual inhibitory control performance in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36: 1796–1810. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.14241

P. Sharman, A.J. Wilson (2023) Genetic improvement of speed across distance categories in thoroughbred racehorses in Great Britain. Heredity, 131: 79-85. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-023-00623-8

J. Langford, T. Fawcett, E. Price, D. Bradley, A. Wilson, D. Croft (2023) Bio-logging reveals heritable patterns of natural behaviours in sheep. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Applications in Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 182-187. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3461-6

L.K Bay, J.C Ortiz, A. Humanes, C. Riginos, I.B. Baums, M. Aranda, R. Peixoto, A.C. Niehaus, A. Le Port, M. van Oppen, C.R. Voolstra, A.C Baker, C.D. Kenkel, J.D. Aguirre, J.R. Guest, J.R. Lasky, A.P. Hendry, V. Schoepf, T.B.H. Reusch, M.J. Angilletta Jr, R. Bhagooli, S. Schmidt-Roach, D.J. Suggett, A.J. Wilson, M.M. Abadi, T. Razak, M.V. Baria-Rodriguez, C.M Duarte, D. Mead, S. Palumbi (2023) CORDAP R&D technology roadmap for understanding the natural adaptation and assisted evolution of corals to climate change. CORDAP https://cordap.org/roadmap-assisted-evolution/


P. Prentice, T.H. Houslay, A.J. Wilson (2022) Exploiting animal personality to reduce chronic stress in captive fish populations. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9: https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2022.1046205

P. Sharman, A.J. Young, A.J. Wilson (2022) Evidence of maternal and paternal age effects on speed in thoroughbred racehorses. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220691. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220691

S. Qiu, L. Yong, A.J. Wilson, D.P. Croft, C. Graham, D. Charlesworth (2022) Partial sex linkage and linkage disequilibrium on the guppy sex chromosome. Molecular Ecology, 31: 5524– 5537. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16674

E. Galluccio,  R. Lymbery, A.J. Wilson, J. Evans (2022) Personality, sperm traits and a test for their combined dependence on male condition in guppies. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220269. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.220269

D.C Hunter, B. Ashraf, C. Bérénos, S.E. Johnston, A.J Wilson, J.G Pilkington, J.M Pemberton, J. Slate (2022) Using genomic prediction to detect microevolutionary change of a quantitative trait. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 289: 20220330. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.0330

P.M. Prentice, C. Mnatzaganian, T.M. Houslay, A. Thornton, A.J. Wilson (2022) Individual differences in spatial learning are correlated across tasks but not with stress response behaviour in guppies. Animal Behaviour, 188: 133-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.04.009

E. Price, J. Langford, T.W. Fawcett, A.J. Wilson, D.P. Croft (2022) Classifying the posture and activity of ewes and lambs using accelerometers and machine learning on a commercial flock. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 251: 105630. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105630

S. Patrick, D. Reale, J. Potts,  A.J. Wilson, C. Doutrelant; C. Teplitsky, A. Charmantier (2022) Differences in the temporal scale of reproductive investment across the slow-fast continuum in a passerine. Ecology Letters, 25: 1139-1151. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13982

V. Narayan, A.J. Wilson, S. Chenoweth (2022) The genetic and social contributions to sex differences in lifespan in Drosophila serrata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35: 657-663. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13992

T.M. Houslay, R.L. Earley, S.J. White, W. Lammers, A.J. Grimmer, L.M. Travers, E.L. Johnson, A.J. Young, A.J. Wilson (2022) Genetic integration of behavioural and endocrine components of the stress response, eLife, 11: e67126. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.67126

L. Yong, D.P. Croft, J. Troscianko, I. Ramnarine, A.J. Wilson (2022) Sensory-based quantification of male colour patterns in Trinidadian guppies reveals nonparallel phenotypic evolution across an ecological transition in multivariate trait space. Molecular Ecology, 31: 1337–1357. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16039


P. Capilla-Lasheras, E.M. Wood, X. Harrison, A.J. Wilson, A.J. Young (2021) Altruistic bet-hedging and the evolution of cooperation in a Kalahari bird. Science Advances,  7: eabe8980.

R.W. Fokkema, P. Korsten, T. Schmoll, A.J. Wilson (2021) Social competition as a driver of phenotype-environment correlations: implications for ecology and evolution. Biological Reviews, 96: 2561-2572.

K. Okada, M. Katsuki, M. Sharma, K. Kiyose, T. Seko, Y. Okada, A.J. Wilson, D.J Hosken (2021) Natural selection increases female fitness by reversing the exaggeration of a male sexually selected trait. Nature Communications, 12: 3420.

J. Boonekamp, R. Rodríguez-Muñoz, P. Hopwood, E. Zuidersma, E. Mulder, A. J. Wilson, S. Verhulst, T. Tregenza (2021) Telomere length is highly heritable and independent of growth rate manipulated by temperature in field crickets. Molecular Ecology (In press)

P.H. Marjamäki, H.L. Dugdale, R.Delahay, R.A. McDonald, A.J. Wilson (2021) Genetic, social and maternal contributions to Mycobacterium bovis infection status in European badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34: 695-709.

M. Videlier, V. Careau, A.J. Wilson, H.D. Rundle (2021) Quantifying selection on standard metabolic rate and body mass in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution, 75: 130-140.

M.R. Stothart, R. Greuel, S. Gavriliuc, A. Henry, A.J. Wilson, P. McLoughlin, J. Poissant (2021) Bacterial dispersal and drift drive microbiome diversity patterns within a population of feral hindgut fermenters. Molecular Ecology, 30555-571.


C. Bonneaud, L. Tardy, G.  Hill, K. McGraw, A.J. Wilson, M. Giraudeau (2020) Experimental evidence for stabilising selection on pathogen virulence at emergence. Evolution Letters, 4: 491-501.

S.M. Lane, M. Briffa, A.J. Wilson, M. Truebano, N.L. Foster (2020) Evidence of fostering in an  internally brooding sea anemone. Ethology, 1261141 – 1147.

P.M Prentice, T.M Houslay, J.G.A Martin, A.J. Wilson (2020) Genetic variance for behavioural ‘predictability’ of the stress response. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33:  642-652.

E. Langley, G. Adams, C. Beardsworth, D. Dawson, P. Laker, J. van Horik, M. Whiteside, A.J. Wilson, J. Madden (2020) Heritability and correlations among learning and inhibitory control traits. Behavioural Ecology, 31: 798–806.

S.C. McCain, S. Kopelic, T.M. Houslay, A.J. Wilson, H. Lu, R.L. Earley (2020) Choice consequences: Salinity preferences and hatchling survival in the mangrove rivulus fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 223:  jeb219196

Wang, W. Forstmeier, K. Martin, A.J. Wilson, B. Kempenaers (2020) The role of genetic constraints and social environment in explaining female extra-pair mating. Evolution, 74: 544-558.

S. Lane, A.J. Wilson, M. Briffa (2020) Analysis of direct and indirect genetic effects in fighting sea anemones. Behavioural Ecology, 31: 540–547.

S.J. White, D.  Pascall, A.J. Wilson (2020) Towards a comparative approach to the structure of animal personality variation. Behavioural Ecology, 31: 340–351.

C.E. Regan, J.M. Pemberton, J.G. Pilkington, P.T. Smiseth, A.J. Wilson (2020) Linking genetic merit to behavioral data: behavior and genetic effects on lamb growth in Soay sheep. Behavioural Ecology, 31: 114–122.

C. Bonneaud, L. Tardy, M. Giraudeau, G.E. Hill, K.J. McGraw, A.J. Wilson (2019) Evolution of both host resistance and tolerance to an emerging bacterial pathogen. Evolution Letters3: 544-554.

D.J. Hosken, A.J. Wilson (2019) The problem of measuring trait-preference correlations without disrupting them. Behavioural Ecology30: 1518-1521.

C.E. Regan, L. Tuke, J Colpitts, P.D. McLoughlin, A.J. Wilson, J. Poissant (2019) Evolutionary quantitative genetics of juvenile body size in a population of feral horses reveals sexually antagonistic selection. Evolutionary Ecology33: 567-584.

S. Gold, C.E. Regan, P.D. McLoughlin, J.S. Gilleard, A.J Wilson, J. Poissant (2019) Quantitative genetics of gastrointestinal strongyle burden and associated body condition in feral horses. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 9104-111.

D.N Fisher, A.J. Wilson, S. Boutin, B. Dantzer, J.E. Lane, D.W. Coltman, J.C. Gorrell, A.G. McAdam (2019) Social effects of territorial neighbours on the timing of spring breeding in North American red squirrels. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32: 559-571.

J.P. Evans, A.J. Wilson, A. Pilastro, F. Garcia-Gonzalez (2019) Ejaculate-mediated paternal effects: evidence, mechanisms and evolutionary implications. Reproduction157: 109-126.

P. Marjamäki, H. Dugdale, D. Dawson, R.A. McDonald, R.J. Delahay, T.A. Burke, A.J. Wilson (2019) Individual variation and the source-sink group dynamics of extra-group paternity in a social mammal. Behavioural Ecology, 30: 301-312.

M.J. Carter, A.J. Wilson, A.J. Moore. N.J. Royle (2019) The role of indirect genetic effects in the evolution of interacting reproductive behaviors in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloidesEcology and Evolution, 9: 998-1009.

J. Styga, T.H. Houslay, A.J. Wilson, R. Earley (2019) Development of G: A test in an amphibious fish. Heredity, 122: 696- 708.

S.R.X. Dall, J.M. McNamara, A.J. Wilson (2019). Ultimate (re)thinking for behavioural biology. In: Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature Nurture. Hosken, Wedell, Hunt eds. Wiley.

J. Hunt, J. Rapkin, C.M. House, A.J. Wilson (2019). Beyond genes and environments: indirect genetic effects and the evolution of behaviour. In: Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature Nurture. Hosken, Wedell, Hunt eds. Wiley.

T.M. Houslay, R.L Earley, A.J. Young, A.J. Wilson (2019) Habituation and individual variation in the endocrine stress response in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 270: 113-122.

S.J. White, A.J. Wilson (2019) Evolutionary genetics of personality in the Trinidadian guppy I: Maternal and additive genetic effects across ontogeny. Heredity122, 1:14 .

S.J. White, T.H. Houslay, A.J. Wilson (2019) Evolutionary genetics of personality in the Trinidadian guppy II: Sexual dimorphism and genotype-by-sex interactions. Heredity122, 15–28.

J. Rapkin, K. Jensen, C.M. House, A.J. Wilson, J. Hunt (2018) Genotype-by-sex-by-diet interactions for nutritional preference, dietary consumption and lipid deposition in a field cricket. Heredity: 121, 361–373.

E. Sorato, J. Zidar, L. Garnham, A.J. Wilson, H. Løvlie (2018) Heritabilities and co-variation among cognitive traits in red junglefowl. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 373: 20170285.

S. Smithers, A.J. Wilson, M. Stevens. Rock pool fish use a combination of colour change and substrate choice to improve camouflage (2018) Animal Behavior144, 53-65.

J.M. Styga, T.M. Houslay, A.J. Wilson, R.L. Earley (2018) Ontogeny of the morphology-performance axis in an amphibious fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 327: 620-634.

D.M. Maskrey, A. J. Wilson, S. J. White, T. M. Houslay (2018) Who dares does not always win: risk-averse rockpool prawns are better at controlling a limited resource. Animal Behaviour, 140, 187–197.

A.J. Wilson (2018) How should we interpret estimates of individual repeatability? Evolution Letters2, 4-8.

K. Boulton, C.A. Walling, A.J. Grimmer, G.G. Rosenthal, A.J. Wilson  (2018) Phenotypic and genetic integration of personality and growth under competition in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni. Evolution, 72, 187-201.

A.D. Hayward, J.M. Pemberton, C. Berenos, A.J. Wilson, J.G. Pilkington, L.E.B. Kruuk (2018) Evidence for selection-by-environment but not genotype-by-environment interactions for fitness-related traits in a wild mammal population. Genetics208, 349-364.

L.E.B. Kruuk, A.J. Wilson (2018) The challenge of estimating indirect genetic effects on behaviour: a comment on Bailey et al. Behavioural Ecology,  2913–14.

T.M. Houslay, S.M. Vierbuchen, A.J. Grimmer, A.J. Young, A.J. Wilson (2018) Testing the stability of behavioural coping style across stress contexts in the Trinidadian guppy. Functional Ecology, 324242-438. 

T.M. Houslay, A.J. Wilson (2017) Avoiding the misuse of BLUP in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology, 28948-952.

F. Santostefano, A.J. Wilson, P.T. Niemelä, N.J. Dingemanse (2017) Behavioural mediators of genetic life-history trade-offs in field crickets. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 284, 20171567.

J. Rapkin, C. R. Archer, C.E. Grant, K. Jensen, C.M. House, A.J. Wilson, J. Hunt (2017). Little evidence for intralocus sexual conflict over the optimal intake of nutrients for lifespan and reproduction in the black field cricket Teleogryllus commodus. Evolution, 71, 2159-2177.

F. Santostefano, A.J. Wilson, P.T. Niemelä, N.J. Dingemanse (2017) Indirect genetic effects: a key component of the genetic architecture of behaviour. Scientific Reports, 7, 10235.

D. Cabrera, D. Andres, P.D. McLoughlin, L. Debeffe, S.A. Medill, A.J. Wilson, J. Poissant (2017) Island tameness and the repeatability of flight initiation distance in a large herbivore. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 95, 771-778.

S. Pascoal, M. Mendrok, A.J. Wilson, J. Hunt, N.W. Bailey (2017) Sexual Selection and Population Divergence II. Divergence in Different Sexual Traits and Signal Modalities in Field Crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus). Evolution71, 1614–1626.

S.P. Smithers, A.J. Wilson, M. Stevens (2017) Rock pool gobies change their body pattern in response to background features. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121109-121.

M.S. Maraqa, R. Griffen, M.D. Sharma, A.J. Wilson, J. Hunt, D.J. Hosken and C.M. House (2017) Constrained evolution of the sex comb in Drosophila simulans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30388–400

C.E. Regan, J.G. Pilkington, J.M. Pemberton, P.T. Smiseth, A.J. Wilson (2017) Accounting for female space sharing in St. Kilda Soay sheep (Ovis aries) results in little change in heritability estimates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology30, 96–111.

M.D. Sharma, A.J. Wilson, D.J. Hosken (2016) Fisher’s sons’ effect in sexual selection: absent, intermittent or just low experimental power? Journal of Evolutionary Biology29, 2464-2470.

C.H. Benton, R.J. Delahay, A. Robertson, R.A McDonald, A.J. Wilson, T.A. Burke, D. Hodgson (2016) Blood thicker than water: kinship, disease prevalence and group size drive divergent patterns of infection risk in a social mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 283, 20160798.

S.J. White, T.J. Kells, A.J. Wilson (2016) Metabolism, personality and pace of life in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Behaviour, 153, 1517-1543.

F. Santostefano, A.J. Wilson, Y. Araya, N. Dingemanse (2016). Interacting with the enemy: indirect effects of personality on conspecific aggression in crickets. Behavioral Ecology, 24, 1235-1246.

K. Boulton, G.G. Rosenthal, A.J. Grimmer, C.A. Walling, A.J. Wilson (2016). Sex-specific plasticity and genotype x sex interactions for age and size of maturity in the Sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29, 645-656.

A.J. Wilson, J. Poissant (2016). Quantitative genetics in natural populations. In ‘Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology’ (R. Kliman, head editor), Elsevier.

S. Pascoal, M. Mendrok, C. Mitchell, A.J. Wilson, J. Hunt, N.W. Bailey (2016). Sexual selection and population divergence I. The influence of socially flexible cuticular hydrocarbon expression in male field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus). Evolution, 70, 82-97.

J.A. Mills, C. Teplitsky… A.J. Wilson… et al (2016). Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies – a reply to Whitlock et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31, 85-87.

J.A. Mills, C. Teplitsky… A.J. Wilson… et al (2015). Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30, 581-589.

C. Duffield, A.J. Wilson, A. Thornton (2015). Desperate prawns: drivers of behavioural innovation vary across social contexts in rock pool crustaceans. PLoS ONE, 10, e0139050.

P. Sharman, A.J. Wilson (2015). Racehorses are getting faster. Biology Letters, 11, 20150310.

A. Thornton, A.J. Wilson (2015). In search of the Darwinian Holy Trinity in cognitive evolution: A comment on Croston et al. Behavioural Ecology26, 1460-1461.

M. Briffa, L.U. Sneddon, A.J. Wilson (2015). Animal personality as a cause and consequence of contest behaviour. Biology Letters, 11, 20141007.

M.L Taylor, A. Skeats, A.J Wilson, T.A.R Price, N. Wedell (2015). Opposite environmental and genetic influences on body size in North American Drosophila pseudoobscuraBMC Evolutionary Biology, 15, 51.

K. Boulton, E. Couto, A.J. Grimmer, R. Earley, A. Canario, A.J. Wilson*, C.A. Walling (2015). How integrated are behavioural and endocrine stress response traits?  A repeated measures approach to testing the stress coping style model. Ecology and Evolution5, 618-633. (*Corresponding and joint last author)

S.K. Sakaluk, A.J. Wilson, E.K. Bowers, L.S. Johnson, B.S Masters, B.G Johnson, L.A. Vogel, A.M. Forsman, C.F. Thompson (2014). Genetic and environmental variation in condition, cutaneous immunity, and haematocrit in house wrens.  BMC Evolutionary Biology14, 242

N.J. Royle, A.F Russell, A.J. Wilson (2014). The evolution of flexible parenting. Science345, 776-781.

D.A. Roff, A.J. Wilson (2014). Quantifying genetic by environmental interactions in laboratory systems. In: Genotype-by-environment interactions and sexual selection. Hunt & Hosken eds. Wiley.

A.D. Hayward, D.H. Nussey, A.J. Wilson, C. Berenos, J.G. Pilkington, K.A. Watt, J.M. Pemberton, A.L. Graham (2014). Natural selection on individual variation in tolerance of gastrointestinal nematode infection. PLoS Biology12, e1001917.

K. Boulton, A.J. Grimmer, G. Rosenthal, C.A. Walling, A.J. Wilson (2014). How stable are personalities? A multivariate view of behavioural variation over long and short timescales in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanniBehavioural Ecology and Sociobiology68, 791-803.

D.A. Edward, J. Poissant, A.J. Wilson, T. Chapman (2014). Sexual conflict and interacting phenotypes: a quantitative genetic analysis of fecundity and copula duration in Drosophila melanogasterEvolution68, 1651-1660.

A.G. McAdam, D. Garant, A.J. Wilson (2014). The effect of other’s genes: maternal and other indirect genetic effects. In: Quantitative genetics in natural populations. Charmantier, Garant & Kruuk eds. Oxford University Press.

A.J. Wilson (2014). Competition as a source of constraint on life history evolution in natural populations. Heredity112, 70-78.

W. Schuett, S.R.X. Dall, A.J. Wilson, N.J. Royle (2013). Environmental transmission of a personality trait: Foster parent exploration behaviour predicts offspring exploration behaviour in zebra finches. Biology Letters9, 20130120.

A.J. Wilson, A. Grimmer, G.G. Rosenthal (2013). Causes and consequences of contest outcome: aggressiveness, dominance and growth in the sheepshead swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanniBehavioural Ecology and Sociobiology67, 1151-1161.

A.D. Hayward. A.J. Wilson, J.G. Pilkington, T.H. Clutton-Brock, J.M. Pemberton, L.E.B. Kruuk (2013). Reproductive senescence in female Soay sheep: variation across traits and contributions of individual ageing and selective disappearance. Functional Ecology27,184-195.

K. Boulton, B. Sinderman, M.R. Pearce, R.L. Earley, A.J. Wilson (2012). He who dares only wins sometimes: physiological stress and contest behaviour in Xiphophorus helleriBehaviour149, 977-1002.

M.B. Morrissey, D. Parker, P. Korsten, T.H. Clutton-Brock, J.M. Pemberton, L.E.B. Kruuk, A.J. Wilson (2012).The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution66, 2399-2410.

K. Hammerschmidt, P. Deines, A.J. Wilson, J.O. Rolff (2012). Quantitative genetics of immunity and life history under different photoperiods. Heredity108, 569-576.

M.B. Morrissey, C.A. Walling, A.J. Wilson, J.M. Pemberton, T.H. Clutton-Brock, L.E. B. Kruuk (2012). Genetic analysis of life history constraint and evolution in a wild ungulate population. American Naturalist179, E97-E114.

M.Koch, A.J. Wilson, M. Kerschbaumer, T. Wiedl, C. Sturmbauer (2012). Additive genetic variance of quantitative traits in natural and pond-bred populations of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Tropheus mooriiHydrobiologia, 682, 131-141.

A.J. Wilson, M.B. Morrissey, M.J. Adams, C.A. Walling, F.E. Guinness, J.M. Pemberton, T.H. Clutton-Brock, L.E.B. Kruuk (2011). Indirect genetics effects and evolutionary constraint: an analysis of social dominance in red deer, Cervus elaphusJournal of Evolutionary Biology24, 772-783.

A.J. Wilson, M. de Boer, G. Arnott, A Grimmer (2011) Integrating personality research and animal contest theory: aggressiveness in the green swordtail Xiphophorus helleriPLoS ONE6, e28024.

P.F. Vale, A.J. Wilson, A. Best, M. Boots, T.J. Little (2011). Epidemiological, evolutionary and coevolutionary implications of context-dependent parasitism. American Naturalist, 177, 510-21.

J.D. Hadfield, A.J. Wilson, L. E. B Kruuk (2011). Cryptic Evolution: Does environmental deterioration have a genetic basis? Genetics, 187, 1099-1113.

A.L. Graham, D.M. Shuker, L. Pollitt, A.J. Wilson and T.J. Little (2011). Fitness consequences of immune responses: strengthening the empirical framework for ecoimmunology. Functional Ecology. 25, 5-17.

A.D. Hayward, A. J. Wilson, J. G. Pilkington, T. H. Clutton-Brock, J. M. Pemberton, & L. E. B. Kruuk (2011) Natural selection on a measure of parasite resistance varies across ages and environmental conditions in a wild mammal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology24, 1664-1676.

J.G.A. Martin, D.H. Nussey, A.J. Wilson and D. Réale (2011). Measuring individual differences in field and experimental studies: a power analysis of random regression models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 362-374.

A. Bento, A.J. Wilson (2011). Counting sheep in a changing world. Biodiversity Science, 4.

M.B. Morrissey, L.E.B. Kruuk and A.J. Wilson (2010). The danger of applying the breeder’s equation outside of the context of artificial selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology23, 2277-2288.

A. Husby, D.H. Nussey, M.E. Visser, A.J. Wilson, B.C. Sheldon & L. E.B. Kruuk (2010). Contrasting patterns pf phenotypic plasticity in reproductive traits in two great tit (Parus major) populations. Evolution, 64, 2221-2237.

K.M. Nichols, D.B. Neale, J. Gratten, A.J. Wilson, A.F. McRae, D. Beraldi, P.M. Visscher, J.M. Pemberton, J. Slate (2010). Association genetics, population genomics, and conservation: revealing the genes underlying adaptation in natural populations of plants and animals. In: Molecular Approaches in Natural Resource Conservation and Management, Cambridge University Press.

Hegyi, M. Herényi, A. J. Wilson, L. Zsolt Garamszegi, B. Rosivall, M. Eens and J. Török (2010). Breeding Experience and the Heritability of Female Mate Choice in Collared Flycatchers. PLoS One, 5, e13855.

J. Gratten, A.J. Wilson, A.F. McRae, D. Beraldi, P.M. Visscher, J.M. Pemberton, J. Slate (2010). No evidence for warming climate theory of coat colour change in Soay sheep: a comment on Maloney et al. Biology Letters, 6, 678-679.

A.J. Wilson, D. Réale, M.N. Clements, M.M. Morrissey, E. Postma, C.A. Walling, L.E.B. Kruuk, D.H. Nussey (2010). An ecologist’s guide to the animal model. Journal of Animal Ecology79, 13-26

A.J. Wilson & D.H. Nussey (2010). What is individual quality? An evolutionary perspective. Trends in Ecology and Evolution25, 207-214.

J.E. Brommer, K. Rattiste, A.J. Wilson (2010). The rate of ageing in a long-lived bird is not heritable. Heredity104, 363-370.

M.B. Morrissey & A.J. Wilson (2010). pedantics, an R package for pedigree-based genetic simulation and pedigree manipulation, characterization and viewing. Molecular Ecology Resources10, 711-719

J.D. Hadfield, A.J. Wilson, D. Garant, B.C. Sheldon, L.E.B. Kruuk (2010). The Misuse of BLUP in Ecology and Evolution. American Naturalist175, 116-125.

Poissant, A.J. Wilson and D.W. Coltman (2010). Sex specific genetic variance and the evolution of sexual dimorphism: a systematic review of cross-sex genetic correlations. Evolution64: 97-107.

A.J. Wilson, U. Gelin, M. Perron, D. Réale (2009). Indirect genetic effects and the evolution of aggression in a vertebrate system. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B276, 533-541. 

A.J. Wilson, J.M. Pemberton, J.G. Pilkington, T.H. Clutton-Brock & L.E.B. Kruuk (2009). Trading offspring size for number in a changing environment: selection on reproductive investment in female Soay sheep. Journal of Animal Ecology78, 354-364.

M.R. Robinson, A.J. Wilson, J.G. Pilkington, T.H. Clutton-Brock, J.M. Pemberton, & L. E.B. Kruuk (2009). The impact of environmental heterogeneity on genetic architecture in a wild population of Soay sheep. Genetics181, 1639-1648.

A.D. Hayward, A.J. Wilson, J.G. Pilkington, J.M. Pemberton, L.E.B. Kruuk (2009). Ageing in a variable habitat: environmental stress affects senescence in parasite resistance in St Kilda Soay sheep. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B276, 3477-3485.

T.E. Reed, P. Warzybok, A.J. Wilson, R.W. Bradley, S. Wanless & W.J. Sydeman (2009). Adjusting to extreme environments: changing phenology and fluctuating selection in a colonial seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology78, 376-387.

R.M. Sawalha, L. Bell, S. Brotherstone, I. White, A.J. Wilson, B. Villanueva (2009). Scrapie resistant sheep show certain coat colour characteristics. Genetics Research91, 39-46. 

Wilson, A.J., Festa-Bianchet M. (2009). Maternal effects in wild ungulates. In: Maternal effects in mammals. Maestripieri & Mateo eds. University of Chicago Press.

A.J. Wilson, A. Charmantier and J. Hadfield (2008). Evolutionary genetics of ageing in the wild: empirical patterns and future perspectives. Functional Ecology22, 431-442. 

A.J. Wilson (2008). Why h2 does not always equal VA/VP. Journal of Evolutionary Biology21, 647-650. 

A.J. Wilson and A. Rambaut (2008). Breeding racehorses – what price good genes? Biology Letters4, 173-175.

L.E.B. Kruuk, J. Slate and A.J. Wilson (2008). New answers for old questions: the quantitative genetics of wild animal populations. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 35, 525-548.

J. Gratten, A.J. Wilson, A.F. McRae, D. Beraldi, P.M. Visscher, J.M. Pemberton and J. Slate (2008). A localized negative genetic correlation constrains microevolution of coat color in wild sheep. Science319, 318-320.

J. Poissant, A.J. Wilson, M. Festa-Bianchet, J.T. Hogg, and D.W. Coltman (2008). Quantitative genetics and sex-specific selection on sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B275, 623-628.

J.E. Brommer, K. Rattiste and A.J. Wilson (2008). Exploring plasticity in the wild: Laying date – temperature reaction norms in the common gull Larus canusProceedings of the Royal Society: Series B275, 687-694.

D.H. Nussey, A.J. Wilson, A. Donald, T. Clutton-Brock and L.E.B. Kruuk (2008). Quantitative genetic correlations between early life fecundity and ageing rates in a wild red deer population: Support for the antagonistic pleiotropy theory of ageing. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B275, 745-750.

P.I. Ward, A.J. Wilson and C. Reim (2008). A cost of cryptic female choice in the yellow dung fly. Genetica134, 63-67.

B. Pujol, A.J. Wilson, R. Ross, J.R. Pannell (2008). Are QST – FST comparisons for natural populations meaningful? Molecular Ecology17, 4782-4785

J. E. Pettay, A. Charmantier, A.J. Wilson and V. Lummaa (2008). Age-specific genetic and maternal effects in fecundity of preindustrial Finnish women. Evolution62, 2297-2304.

C.E. Adams, A.J. Wilson and M.M. Ferguson (2008). Parallel divergence of sympatric genetic and body size forms of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, from two Scottish lakes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society95, 748-757.

L. Ph. Breitling, A.J. Wilson, A. Raiko, M.Lagog, P. Siba, M. Shaw, R.J. Quinnell (2008). Sex-specific heritability of human hookworm infection in rural Papua New Guinea. Parasitology, 135, 1407-1415.

A.J. Wilson, D.H. Nussey, J.M. Pemberton, T.H. Clutton-Brock, J.G. Pilkington, A. Morris, F. Pelletier and L.E.B Kruuk (2007). Evidence for a genetic basis of aging in two wild vertebrate populations. Current Biology17, 2136-2142. 

A.J. Wilson, J.M. Pemberton, J.G. Pilkington, T.H. Clutton-Brock, D.W. Coltman and L.E.B. Kruuk. (2007). Quantitative genetics of growth and cryptic evolution of body weight in an island population. Evolutionary Ecology21, 337-356.

J. Hadfield and A.J. Wilson (2007). Multilevel Selection 3: Modelling the effects of interacting individuals as a function of group size. Genetics177, 667-668.

D.H. Nussey, A.J. Wilson and J.E. Brommer (2007). The evolutionary ecology of individual plasticity in wild populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology20, 831-844.

J.E. Brommer, A.J. Wilson and L.Gustafsson (2007). Genetic, environmental and age-related variance components of annual fitness in the wild. American Naturalist170, 643-650.

M.B. Morrissey, A.J. Wilson, J.M. Pemberton and M.M. Ferguson (2007). A framework for power and sensitivity analyses for studies of the quantitative genetics of natural populations, and a case study in Soay sheep (Ovis aries). Journal of Evolutionary Biology20, 2309-2321.

C.E. Adams, D. Fraser, A.J. Wilson, G. Alexander, M.M. Ferguson and S. Skúlason (2007). Patterns of phenotypic and genetic variability in the Arctic charr show hidden diversity in Scottish Arctic charr. Ecology of Freshwater Fish16, 78-86.

A.J. Wilson, J.M. Pemberton, J.G. Pilkington, D.W. Coltman, D.M. Mifsud, T.H. Clutton-Brock and L.E.B. Kruuk (2006). Environmental coupling of selection and heritability limits phenotypic evolution. PloS Biology4, 1270-1275.

A.J. Wilson and D. Réale (2006). Ontogeny of additive and maternal genetic effects: lessons from domestic mammals. American Naturalist167, E23-E38.

C.E. Adams, D. J. Hamilton, I. McCarthy, A.J. Wilson, A. Grant, G. Alexander, S. Waldron, S.S. Snorasson, M, M. Ferguson and S. Skúlason (2006). Does breeding site fidelity drive phenotypic and genetic sub-structuring of a population of Arctic charr? Evolutionary Ecology20, 11-26.

2005 and earlier
A.J. Wilson, L.E.B. Kruuk and D.W. Coltman (2005). Ontogenetic patterns in heritable variation for body size: using random regression models in a wild ungulate population. American Naturalist166, E177-E192.

A.J. Wilson, J.G. Pilkington, J.M. Pemberton, D.W. Coltman, A.D.J. Overall, K.A. Byrne, and L.E.B. Kruuk (2005). Selection on mothers and offspring: whose phenotype is it and does it matter? Evolution59, 451-463.

A.J. Wilson, D.W. Coltman, J.M. Pemberton, A.D.J. Overall, K.A. Byrne, and L.E.B. Kruuk (2005). Maternal genetic effects set the potential for evolution in a free-living vertebrate population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology18, 405-414.

M.B. Morrissey and A.J. Wilson (2005). The potential costs of accounting for genotypic errors in molecular parentage analyses. Molecular Ecology14, 4111-4121.

A.J. Wilson, D. Gíslason, S. Skúlason, S.S. Snorrason, C.E. Adams, G. Alexander, R.G. Danzmann, and M.M. Ferguson (2004). Population genetic structure of Arctic Charr, Salvelinus alpinus from Northwest Europe on large and small spatial scales. Molecular Ecology13, 1129-1142.

A.J. Wilson, J.A. Hutchings, and M.M. Ferguson (2004). Dispersal in a stream dwelling salmonid: Inferences from tagging and microsatellite studies. Conservation Genetics5, 25-37.

A.J. Wilson, J.A. Hutchings, and M.M. Ferguson (2003). Selective and genetic constraints on the evolution of body size in a stream-dwelling salmonid fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology16, 584-594.

A.J. Wilson, G. McDonald, H.K. Moghadam, C.M. Herbinger, and M.M. Ferguson (2003). Marker assisted estimation of quantitative genetic parameters in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykissGenetical Research81, 145-156.

A.J. Wilson and M.M. Ferguson (2002). Molecular pedigree analysis in natural populations of fishes: approaches, applications, and practical considerations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences59, 1696-1707.