Care Under Pressure


How can hospitals optimise strategies to improve the mental health and wellbeing of doctors? The Care Under Pressure 3 study. January 2024. Health professions education & wellbeing: global contemporary challenges. University of Exeter- University of Toronto Wilson Centre joint event.

Care Under Pressure: Optimising the delivery and impacts of interventions to reduce NHS professionals’ mental ill-health. December 2023. Keele School of Medicine’s Scholarship Conference. Video of the presentation and conference programme here.

Everything… about Research training session, Devon Partnership NHS Trust, Webinar. November 2023

‘Fatigue and burnout in health care staff’, Fatigue: a tiring problem, The Royal Society of Medicine, Webinar October 2022. Webinar programme and more information available here.

Care under Pressure, Public Health England Southwest Health Protection team, ‘Lunch and Learn’, November 2021

Under pressure: heard, valued supported? Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) symposium, AMEE 2021, August 2021

Mental health prevention – Tips to stay healthy, recognise the signs of burnout, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Madrid, August 2021

Oncological care under pressure, European School of Oncology e-session CME accredited, June 2021 – video recording, slides, and more information available here.

Care Under Pressure: A realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the clinical workforce & patient care, Foundation School Directors meeting, March 2021

Bawab N, Moullin JC, Bugnon O, Perraudin C, Morrow A, Chan P, Hogden E, Taylor N, Pearson M, Carrieri D, et al (2020). Proceedings of the Virtual 3rd UK Implementation Science Research ConferenceImplementation Science, 15(S4).

ASMEBITESIZE: Well-being and tolerance of ambiguity in times of Covid19, Zoom event, September 2020 – presentation video and other resources available here.

How can strategies to address mental ill-health in doctors and medical students be optimised? The interplay of intervention and implementation identified in the ‘Care Under Pressure’ realist review, 3rd UK Implementation Science conference, King’s College London, July 2020 – presentation video available here.

Care Under Pressure: Drawing on all resources. Clinical Genetics Seminar Series, Guy’s St Thomas NHS Trust, London, November 2019

Care Under Pressure: ‘Drawing on’ art to communicate complex evidence-based  recommendations to reduce mental ill-health in doctors, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, San Diego US, October 2019

Care Under Pressure. Clinical skills team training day, College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter, September 2019

Care Under Pressure: The effects of working under pressure on doctors’ and other medical professionals’ mental health, The Wellcome Centre @ The Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Trust  Seminar Series, Exeter, September 2019

Care Under Pressure: Research update, Practitioner Health Research Consortium, London, September 2019

Drawing on all resources, Que(e)rying Graphic Medicine Conference, Brighton, July 2019

Care Under Pressure: A realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the clinical workforce and patient care, HSRUK Conference, Manchester, July 2019

Care Under Pressure, ‘Thriving, not just Surviving Conference’, The Centre for Workforce Wellbeing (C4WW), Southampton, June 2019

Care Under Pressure, Queen’s University Belfast Medical Education Conference, Belfast, May 2019

How can medical education better support GPs working under challenging conditions?, De-Stress  Conference Poverty, Pathology and Pills, London, January 2019

Care Under Pressure: A realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health, Evidence Synthesis & Modelling for Health Improvement Discussion Forum, University of Exeter, December 2018

Care Under Pressure: A realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health,  Clinical Genetics Guy’s St Thomas NHS Trust team meeting, London, November 2018

Care Under Pressure: A realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the clinical workforce & patient care, Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), London, November 2018

Care Under Pressure, International Practitioner Health Summit 2018, London, October 2018

Care Under Pressure: a realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health, International Conference on Physician Health©, Toronto, October 2018

Care Under Pressure: a realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill-health, Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference, Basel, August 2018

Care Under Pressure, South west regional Occupational health practitioners meeting, Taunton, July 2018

Stress and Burnout in Healthcare Settings, Institute of Health Research away day, Buckfast Abbey, November 2017

Stress and Burnout in Healthcare Professionals, Centre for Medical History seminar series, University of Exeter, November 2016