Speaking at my first event: Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities US 2024

Our Digital Strategy sets out that we want to become ‘an authority on digital capability, focusing on speed to competency and ready for work’, and a part of achieving this is by sharing what the University is doing to deliver the Digital Strategy, increasing external engagement.

Read this blog post to hear about my experience of speaking at my first international event, Digital Universities US!

User-Led Communications: Our Student Communications and Engagement Assistant

In Digital we endeavour to be user-led in everything that we do. This approach helps to build trust with our users, while knowing that we are providing them real value. We currently have one Student Communications and Engagement Assistant embedded within the Digital team, focusing on helping to increase engagement with our student audience.

Read this blog post to learn about Deborah’s role in the team so far!

Digital Skills at the University of Exeter – Digital Wellbeing

The ability to use technology and digital services safely and in a positive manner is a critical digital skill, and one that underpins the approach that the University of Exeter’s Digital Skills Leads, Katie Steen and Dave Weller are taking towards digital upskilling.

In the second blog post of their digital skills series, Katie sheds more light on why digital wellbeing is so important – in both the workplace and at home.