A Lego Game Workshop with University of Exeter Students: Fostering Collaboration, Creativity, and Fun

To encourage team working and creativity, Priyanka Mittal, Scrum Master in the University of Exeter’s Digital team, designed a Lego game workshop for the University’s post grad bioscience students.

This blog post shares how Priyanka’s Lego game workshop created an engaging platform for students to collaborate, think creatively, and, most importantly, have fun!

Speaking at my first event: Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities US 2024

Our Digital Strategy sets out that we want to become ‘an authority on digital capability, focusing on speed to competency and ready for work’, and a part of achieving this is by sharing what the University is doing to deliver the Digital Strategy, increasing external engagement.

Read this blog post to hear about my experience of speaking at my first international event, Digital Universities US!