To foster creativity and teamwork, our digital team recently embarked on an exciting journey: our very first hackathon. This event was not just about coding; it was about bringing together diverse minds to solve real-Students problems, learn new skills, and build something amazing from scratch!
Tag: digital strategy
The University of Exeter at Digital Universities Asia 2024
Earlier this month, Helen Cocks and Emily Prevatt attended Digital Universities Asia to share how we have built our own network of digital experts to advise us on delivering our Digital Strategy!
What is the digital skills gap and how can we overcome it?
In the latest blog post of their digital skills series, Dave Weller, Digital Skills Lead at the University of Exeter, discusses the UK digital skills gap.
How we are creating a data-led culture at the University of Exeter
Read this blog post written by Rebecca Jeavons, our Performance Analyst, to learn about our recent Data Community gathering, giving you insight into what you can expect if you choose to join the Community.
Showcasing Digital Innovation at the University of Exeter
Last week we hosted a Digital Summer Showcase on Streatham campus, aiming to enable the all University colleagues based in and around Exeter to understand what we in the Digital team are doing to deliver the Digital Strategy, and what the Strategy means for them.
What do we mean by ‘digital communication’?
In the fifth blog of their digital skills series, Katie Steen, Digital Skills Lead at the University of Exeter, discusses the intricacies of effective digital communications.
Developing our own game: Campus Quest
In this blog we’re sharing how Jasmine, Onash, and Gowthaman from the Digital Team at the University of Exeter are developing their very own digital game to help solve student problems while experimenting with our in-house capabilities!
The Digital Team at the University of Exeter Employment Awards 2024
We’re celebrating that four members of the Digital Team were nominated for UoE Employment Awards: Kirsty Heffernan, Martin Tobar Prado, Deborah Phan Huy, and Johan Spruit! Read this blog to hear about their experience of being nominated for an award.
Speaking at my first event: Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities US 2024
Our Digital Strategy sets out that we want to become ‘an authority on digital capability, focusing on speed to competency and ready for work’, and a part of achieving this is by sharing what the University is doing to deliver the Digital Strategy, increasing external engagement.
Read this blog post to hear about my experience of speaking at my first international event, Digital Universities US!
Digital Learning at the University of Exeter: Finding Room for Upskilling
Improving digital skills isn’t just about learning to use digital tools – it’s also a learning mindset.
In the fourth blog post of their digital skills series, Dave Weller, Digital Skills Lead at the University of Exeter, discusses why digital learning is essential to improving digital capability, what it is, and the benefits it brings.