Exeter Professional

Exeter Professional


TIDE is a new internal talent development programme for PS colleagues working up to Grade E.  It will enable you to:

  • Develop your talent and build your internal network
  • Grow your capacity for innovation, creativity and reflection
  • Join a programme of discovery about the University
  • Demonstrate engagement and strategic awareness

It involves:

  • Presentations and workshops about the University
  • Two short projects, one within your Division and one outside
  • Access to mentoring and career conversations
  • Peer support and action learning

It starts in September 2024 and lasts one year. After the induction phase, there will be monthly meetings lasting two hours. You will also need to find time for two short projects. Each of these will be roughly the equivalent of around two weeks of effort. You will fit this around your other work but your Division and line manager help you to manage the programme alongside other responsibilities.

In return for your commitment, we will recognise your efforts through Above & Beyond and in a dedicated celebration event at the end of the programme. You will be part of a recognised cohort of future managers and leaders and we will support you to identify and make the most of internal progression opportunities. You will have a senior mentor who will help you build an effective network and gain recognition and visibility within the wider Professional Services at Exeter.

You will also spend time together as cohort of talented individuals and will support each other during and after the programme.

In addition to the insights you gain into the University’s goals and strategic drivers, you will find out more about yourself, your motivations and how to develop your future career.

You can find more about the TIDE programme on this PowerPoint presentation.