Exeter Law School
Head andd shoulders photo of Karen Vandekerckhove who is turned to the side and smiling

Come along to the 2025 Lasok Lecture with Karen Vandekerckhove

Posted by The Law School

7 March 2025

Wednesday 26 March

1630-1800, Queens LT1(Drinks reception in Queen’s Café 1630-1700)

Organised by the Centre for European Legal Studies

Please book your place

The European Union devotes part of its justice and fundamental rights policy to combating gender inequality. Due to targeted legislation, gender mainstreaming (which is the integration of the gender perspective into all other policies), and due to specific measures taken for empowerment of women, significant progress has been made in securing better education, training and job opportunities for women. Despite these measures, women remain over-represented in lower paid sectors and under-represented in decision-making positions in the European labour market (see further here: Gender equality strategy – European Commission).

If you would like to hear more about the past, present and future of gender equality in the EU, join the annual Lasok Lecture 2025 given by Ms Karen Vandekerckhove. The lecture title is Gender Equality in a brave new world? The EU’s policy on gender equality – past, present, and future.

Ms Karen Vandekerckhove is the Head of the Gender Equality Unit and Deputy Director Equality and Non-Discrimination within the European Commission’s Directorate General Justice and Consumers department. Ms Vandekerckhove will be speaking about the EU’s gender equality policy (especially the achievements under the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025), the Roadmap for Women’s Rights adopted on 7 March 2025, and the outlook for the future Strategy post-2025, taking into account an increasingly challenging political context as regards equality and non-discrimination policies.

Booking your place helps us plan the event.

The annual Lasok Lecture, held since 1977, attracts eminent speakers including EU commissioners, politicians and judges to deliver a paper on an aspect of European Union law of current and significant interest to a wide public audience. All Lasok lectures are held on the Streatham Campus and video linked to our Cornwall Campus.

The lectures are named after Dominik Lasok QC (1921-2000), Emeritus Professor of European Law. Professor Lasok was one of the pioneers of the academic world of European Law. As the first Director of the University of Exeter’s Centre for European Legal Studies, Professor Lasok developed the LLM European Law. 

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