Exeter Law School

In category: Brand Ambassadors

Apply to be the Brand Ambassador for Stephenson Harwood

Rolling deadline for applications


Apply to be a Campus Ambassador

For Hogan Lovells


Exeter Vantage Ambassador

Vantage is a free online portal that connects you with some of the top legal employers in the country.


Exeter DLA Piper Ambassador

An introduction from Althea Cabucos as the Campus Ambassador for DLA Piper.


Exeter Allen & Overy Ambassador

An introduction to Joseph Shoko, the new Campus Ambassador for Allen & Overy LLP.


Exeter CMS Ambassador

Are you interested in applying for roles in corporate law? Get in contact with the Exeter CMS Ambassador to learn more about the opportunities CMS are offering this year to students. From information about online events to answering questions about the application process, follow the ambassador page on Instagram @exeter_ambassador or reach out by email […]
