Exeter Law School

Academic Information March 2022

Year 1 Tutor News from Anne Herbert

Year 1 Study Groups- Thanks to so many of you, the Year 1 Study Groups kicked off last month. Nearly 200 students have signed up to participate in a study group. This is a great community learning opportunity, and by pioneering this study group initiative you are not only helping yourself and your fellow group members, you are also helping future law students by leading the way.

While most of your time together comes from self-organized activities, there are bi-weekly large group meetings that appear on your Timetables. During these Timetabled sessions, Peer Tutors provide valuable presentations on study methods and strategies. Plus, getting together as a big group to share tips and experiences is turning out to be fun!

If you are interested in joining a study group, it’s not too late, please contact: a.herbert1@gmail.com

Year 1 Online Café – Thursdays in March 13:30-14:15- Between lectures and over lunch on Thursdays, join us for an online Café for some Year 1 chat on March 10, 17, 24, and 31. We’ll have guests discuss a variety of topics from well-being to employability, as well as have some fun with guest faculty.

Your Timetable will have a link to the Thursday cafés and the sessions will be posted online.

Peer Tutors – The Exeter Law Peer Tutors are extremely happy to announce the launch of a new Instagram page to go alongside the brilliant reform of the peer tutoring programme. The page is called @exelawpeertutor and it will allow you to find tutor profiles and contacts. We hope this page will allow you to contact the peer tutor whose skillset best suits your needs, and it will also allow you to further connect with our community. We are excited about the new programme and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help or you would like us to attend a study session. – Zoë Bushby, Peer Tutor. 

Law Communities

On Monday 1 April 2022, we will be celebrating its diverse community as part of the Law Communities event.. This will follow a week of community events organised by various law societies.

We take this opportunity to thank our staff and students for keeping the community spirit going amidst the pandemic as well as send off our final year student with a BANG! There will be free refreshments and if weather allows, various games. Time and venue TBC. It is a free event open to all law students and staff. So please join us.

Exam Timetables and support

The University will be releasing your exam timetable via MyTimetable, during the week commencing Monday 14 March 2022. Look out for an email notifying you that your timetable has been released.

Student Services is available to support you as you prepare for exams and assessments. Please access the Study Zone for guidance and support on revising and undertaking your exams.

For general exam information, please see the central examinations page

Grand Challenges 2022

This year’s Grand Challenges will take place on 6-10 June.

The event is a project week run by the University in which you work in interdisciplinary groups with other like-minded students to design innovative solutions to real world challenges. Top academics and invited speakers share their views and help you apply your skills and knowledge to a real-life problem.

As part of the week, you will further develop your transferable skills including team work, presentation skills and project planning. View the video below to find more information.

National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) 2022 is currently open to all final year undergraduate students in the UK. The NSS has been running for 17 years now, meaning that students before you have also provided their feedback to help improve the University experience for others.

The survey only takes around five minutes to complete and all of your responses will remain strictly confidential. It asks you to consider the whole of your time at our University and you can also write comments about your experience. All of these comments will be read by the teams from your College and degree subject. It is very important that we hear your views on your entire educational experience, as your valuable feedback directly shapes the future of the University.  

The University will once again donate £1 to charity for every survey that is completed, via Raise and Give (RAG) in Exeter and Raise and Donate (RAD) in Cornwall. Last year that led to a donation of £4,000 which was distributed to charities.

How I Aced My SQE1 Exams

The SQE is being phased in to become the new way to qualify as a solicitor in the UK, but how does it work and what can you do to best prepare for it?

In this article, Holly Moore walks us through her experience of the exams and offers you advice on what you can do to make sure you’re ready.

View the article here

Graduate Yearbook – Class of 2022

If you are a third-year student, please don’t forget to fill in your Yearbook profile to be in the Exeter Yearbook 2022. Each year we team up with GradFinale to produce our fantastic graduate yearbook – a beautiful collection of the very best photos and memories from your time at Exeter.

Don’t be left out, make sure you visit: http://www.gradfinale.co.uk/static/register

To ensure you receive either a hard copy or access to a digital version, please order online at: GradFinale (http://www.gradfinale.co.uk/basket).

Deadline for entries is Friday 25 March.

Guide to Video Job Interviews

Video job interviews have increasingly become the norm at law firms and barrister chambers in the last couple years, and it’s clear that they are here to stay. It can be an intimidating experience so take a look at the advice from this article to make sure you feel fully prepared.

View the article here