Exeter Law School

Academic Information April 2022

Assessment and Exam Word Counts

You must know that all words in text in any coursework assessment are counted as part of the overall word count. This can be seen in the guidance document on ELE, where you can see the full guidance to students. References/citations contained in footnotes are not counted as part of the word count.

For exam assessments only, students who prefer to place references/citations in brackets within the text (in-line referencing) rather than in footnotes, could discount these references/citations when calculating the word count.

This means there are slightly different rules for word count calculation depending on whether your assessment is an exam or coursework. If you are not sure whether your module assessment is an exam or coursework for this purpose, please check with your module convenor. 

Remember that questions have been set by your module team with the word limit in mind. Exceptional marks can still be achieved within the word limit. It is natural to want more words to say all the things you want to say, but you don’t need more words to do well – focus on the question and the issues, select your material with care, and write precisely and concisely.   

If you have questions relating to a module, or assessment in a particular module, please use the relevant subject ELE discussion/Q&A forum, and/or make an appointment to see your tutor in their office hours. If you would like general study advice, your personal tutor will be happy to help you, and there are lots of other study skills resources on our ELE pages.  

National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) 2022 is still open to all final year undergraduate students in the UK until Saturday April 30. The feedback that you provide can massively help to improve the University experience for others.

The survey only takes around five minutes to complete and all of your responses will remain strictly confidential. It asks you to consider the whole of your time at our University and you can also write comments about your experience. All of these comments will be read by the teams from your College and degree subject. It is very important that we hear your views on your entire educational experience, as your valuable feedback directly shapes the future of the University.  

The University will once again donate £1 to charity for every survey that is completed, via Raise and Give (RAG) in Exeter and Raise and Donate (RAD) in Cornwall. Last year that led to a donation of £4,000 which was distributed to charities.

Bella, VP of Education at the Student’s Guild has provided a short video explaining the NSS below.

Academic and Exam Misconduct

Academic honesty means always giving full credit for any other people’s contributions to our own achievements (i.e. by full and correct referencing) and never falsifying the results of any research.

Academic honesty is fundamental to the values promoted by the University and no student should be allowed to obtain for themselves, or for someone else, an unfair advantage as a result of academic dishonesty, whether this is by plagiarism, collusion with another, cheating, or other means.

The University takes any instances of academic misconduct very seriously and expects all of its students to behave in a manner which upholds the principles of academic honesty.

You can view the full guide to academic conduct to ensure you are doing everything possible to avoid misconduct scenario, by clicking the link in the heading.

Exam Timetables and support

Your exam timetable for May 2022 should now have been released to you via MyTimetable, so please make sure you are fully aware of all your important dates to prepare.

Student Services is available to support you as you prepare for exams and assessments. Please access the Study Zone for guidance and support on revising and undertaking your exams.

For general exam information, please see the central examinations page or read the updated Student Handbook for Exams to learn more about how the different exam formats operate, how to submit an online exam paper, and what support is available to you during the May assessment period.

Your Law School Sessions

Don’t forget to attend our Your Law School sessions, which give undergraduates the opportunity to gather as a cohort, providing further in-person opportunities, building community, providing further support, and enabling students to ask questions directly to the Head of Department.

Recordings and links from last month’s event, held Tuesday 22 March, have been sent out if you missed out. Keep a lookout for details of when the next session will be held.

Law Communities 2022

Thank you to everyone that attended the various Law Community Week events over last week of term. It was a great chance to see both staff and students celebrating together on campus after a difficult couple of years.

The event was a great success and a big thank you goes out to all the staff and societies that were involved in its organisation.

The Teaching Awards 2022

Nominations are now open for the Teaching Awards 2022! Do you want a chance to nominate a member of staff that you think has been particularly outstanding? If you want to thank a member of academic or professional services staff for awards in Teaching, Pastoral Care and Research Support – or all of the above, click on the link above to find out more. Nominations close on Tuesday 3 May so get your vote in before it’s too late.

Black Heritage Undergraduate of the Year 2022 Finalist

Congratulations to second year law student David Ameyaw, who has been announced as a finalist for the Black Heritage Undergraduate of the Year award. Out of hundreds of applicants, David will join nine other students at an award ceremony on Friday 29 April. David has been building real estate developments around the world based on sustainable energy as well as increasing client’s property portfolios whilst studying for his law degree. He has teamed up with environmentalists to achieve his aim.

Blackwell’s Exeter

The University of Exeter bookshop, in association with Blackwell’s, remains open over Easter within usual operating hours (9-5.30 Monday-Friday).

As usual, any book can be sent to students with free postage in the UK if you have gone home. Any bundle prices offered will still be valid before the exam period.

Plenty of revision materials (stationery as well as Study Skills books) are on offer to help you prepare for next term.

Resources on essay and dissertation writing are also available to help prepare for both upcoming deadlines and dissertation proposals.

The buy-back scheme is still postponed for the time being, but they are hoping to have it back up and running at the start of next term for selected books.