North American and Atlantic Research Group

North American and Atlantic Research Group


2024 News in Digest

* Peter Riley has edited a new edition of Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass (Oxford UP, 2024) in the Oxford World’s Classics series

2023 News in Digest

* James Lyons and Yannis Tzioumakis, eds, Indie TV: Industry, Aesthetics and Medium Specificity (Routledge, 2023)

* Ellen McWilliamsResting Places: On Wounds, War and the Irish Revolution (Beyond the Pale Books, 2023)

* Mark Steven, Class War: A Literary History (Verso, 2023)

2022 News in Digest

* Paul Williams, The US Graphic Novel (Edinburgh UP, 2022)

2021 News in Digest

* Ellen McWilliamsIrishness in North American Women’s Writing: Transatlantic Affinities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

* Mark Steven, ed., Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism (Bloomsbury, 2021)

* Henry Knight Lozano, California and Hawai‘i Bound: U.S. Settler Colonialism and the Pacific West, 1848-1959 (University of Nebraska Press, 2021)

2020 News in Digest

* Paul WilliamsDreaming the Graphic Novel: The Novelization of Comics (Rutgers UP, 2020)

2019 News in Digest

*Jason M. BaskinModernism Beyond the Avant-Garde: Embodying Experience (Cambridge UP, 2018)

*Joanna Freer, ed. The New Pynchon Studies: Twenty-First Century Critical Revisions (Cambridge UP, 2019)

—.Ali Chetwynd and Georgios Maragos, ed., Thomas Pynchon, Sex, and Gender (U of Georgia P, 2018)

*James Lyons, Documentary, Performance and Risk (Routledge, 2019).

*Sinéad MoynihanIreland, Migration and Return Migration: The “Returned Yank” in the Cultural Imagination, 1952 to the Present (Liverpool UP, 2019)

*Rob TurnerCounterfeit Culture: Truth and Authenticity in the American Prose Epic since 1960 (Cambridge UP, 2019)

2018 News in Digest