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12 April 2022Modern Languages Framework Task – summer term 2022
Our primary trainees are preparing to do their Modern Languages Framework task this term which involves the minimum requirement of observing a languages lesson, and then planning and teaching one ML lesson of their own. Of course, many of our trainees, especially the trainees on the ML pathway, will be hoping to teach more than this. So please do speak to your trainees about the ML Framework task and encourage them to have a go!
So, it seems a good time to remind everyone of the great support there is out there for teachers, language coordinators and heads about primary languages from the Association for Language Learning. The link will take you to:
For those of you interested in teaching primary languages in multilingual KS2 classrooms, this toolkit from RIPL looks incredibly useful too.
If you would like to know more, or share a resource or an idea about primary languages, I’d love to hear from you.
Dinah Warren