Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure
  • Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure


    REACH-HF Beacon Sites

    Posted by stjm202

    20 August 2019

    The Beacon sites are currently rolling out the REACH-HF programme to heart failure patients across four UK NHS sites.

    For general information about the REACH-HF programme and the Beacon sites, please contact

    If you would like to find out more about the Beacon project from our cardiac rehabilitation teams, please contact:

    Maria Mooney (Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse), Belfast Health and SocialĀ Care Trust

    Cath Shephard (Community Manager, Specialist Services), Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust

    Nicola Willams (Community Cardiology Service Lead), Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust

    Judith Walker (Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Lead Nurse), UCLH NHS Foundation Trust

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