Exeter RSC 2024
  • Exeter RSC 2024

    47th Research Students Conference in Probability & Statistics


    Toby Jones

    Toby is a 3rd year PhD student based in the Mathematics and Statistics department at the University of Exeter. His research covers the damage from European extratropical cyclones over yearly timescales. This involves using collective risk models to understand the relationship between severity of wind and flooding. Toby is the lead organiser for the conference, overseeing every aspect of organisation and supporting the committee wherever he can.  

    Tommy Irons

    My name’s Tommy Irons, and I’m a 2nd year PhD student at the University of Exeter. My research looks into modelling river flows around the UK, combining extreme value theory and approximate Bayesian inference methods. I’m mostly interested in applying fast and efficient inference routines that can scale well to big data problems. My main role in the conference is to talk with sponsors and help get the conference up and running, but I’ve dipped my hands in the social activitiesĀ asĀ well.

    Harris Sop Nkuiate

    Harris is a 3rd year PhD student in the department of Mathematics at the University of Exeter. His research interest is in probabilistic forecasting and its verification. His PhD aims to construct probabilistic evaluation metrics (scoring rules) which favour honesty and are insensitive to observation errors. His work will help set common standards for evaluating prediction systems in fields such as meteorology and machine learning. Harrisā€™ role in the conference is to source for funding and prepare conference materials.  

    Michael Gillan

    Michael is a 1stĀ  year PhD student in the Mathematics and Statistics department. His research focuses on downscaling vector field reanalysis data and using conditional models to characterise the distribution of extremes. He hopes his work will be useful for something, one day. Michael is the treasurer for RSC 2024.

    Hollie Calley

    Hollie is a first year PhD student at the University of Exeter. Her research focuses on using Chain Event Graphs to translate expert judgement into spatio-temporal models. The case study for this research is looking at forecasting homicide data, working in partnership with the Home Office. Hollieā€™s responsibilities include accommodation and room bookings, and social activity planning. 

    Tom Wilkinson

    Tom is a first year PhD student at the University of Exeter. His research is in forecast verification, looking at statistical tests for forecast calibration and efficiency, and hopefully building towards novel techniques in the evaluation of weather forecasts. Tomā€™s tasks in the organisation of RSC 2024 are finding plenary speakers, acting as speaker liaison and applying for a grant from the London Mathematical Society.  

    Ayu Shabrina

    Ayu is a first year PhD student in the Mathematics and Statistics department at the University of Exeter. Her research is developing statistical methods for risk estimation from climate model output. This has led her to downscale the gridded nature of climate model output in order to better capture the behaviour of extremes. Roles in the conference include designing websites, organizing abstracts submission and conference booklets.