Exeter Law School

Tagged: law

Law School Movie Night: The Lincoln Lawyer

Wednesday 26 March, 16:00-19:00 with free popcorn and a soft drink


Alumni join Canadian Law Student Event

Organised by the Law School Employability team and the Canadian Law Society


University of Law Open Day

Thursday 20 March, 17:00-19:30


Equality and Law: Workshop for students and staff

Wednesday 26 February 1.30-3.30pm


Interview Techniques for Law Students

Monday 3 February 3.30-4.30pm


Law essay writing competition

Times Law Awards 2025: Enter by Mon 17 February


Virtual Pupillage Open Evening: Landmark Chambers

Wednesday 29 January 17:00-18:30


Postgraduate Research Law and Criminology Conference: Lancaster

Call for Papers


A Practical Guide to Your Pupillage Application

Organised by Radcliffe Chambers. Tuesday 16 January


Becoming a barrister: insights into a career at the Bar

Organised by Grays Inn:
Thursday 23 January, 5-6pm Online


Pupillage webinar with St John’s Chambers

Online event: Tuesday 10 December


Interested in Family Law?

Pupillage Open Evening at 29 Bedford Row, London.


University of Law: Postgraduate Solicitor Training Courses

Discover the pathways you can follow after your degree


Postgraduate Law Courses from The University of Law

Book a place at their Open Day on Wednesday 23 October


Online lecture by Judge Dr Vitaliy Urkevych

6 September 2024 12:00 UK time


Law School Prizes 2024

Presented to the winning students on Graduation Day 2024


Postgraduate Law Open Days: The University of Law

Meet student ambassadors and course lecturers


World Intellectual Property Day

Exeter academics and students contribute to IPAN Guide to the Sustainable Development Goals


Human Rights Watch Film Festival

14-24 March: Free student tickets available


Event for First Year Law Students

Gain an insight to Skadden, their graduate recruitment process and network with their trainees and lawyers


Solicitor training and Law Conversion courses

A partnership between the University of Exeter and the University of Law


Law School and UELS Joint All-School Moot Competition

Deadline for registration of interest is 5pm, Friday 02 February


Join the monthly Environmental Justice Café online

Hear speakers from ‘Save Whipsiderry Cliffs’, Newquay, Cornwall


Law alumni support college students in the Pathways to Law programme

Alumni from local legal firms share their advice and experience


Details of the 2024 Hamlyn Lectures announced

They will be delivered by Professor Richard Moorhead, Professor of Law and Professional Ethics.


Event for German speaking LLM students in the UK from 23 to 25 February 2024

An opportunity to sign up for with Freshfields


Technology Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 17-21 June 2024

Sign up to join this Bootcamp in June 2024 for ambitious innovators and creative thinkers


Women and the crime of bigamy, 1603-2023

Professor Rebecca Probert delivered the annual lecture of the Cambridge Centre for English Legal History


Research Lecture: Centre for Commercial and Corporate Law Event

Book a place at CCCL’s event to hear from Ms Nwaugbala, a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on labour disputes and Sino-African relations


Arbitration Event: Meet the Experts

Join Exeter alumni and international arbitration lawyers Duncan Gorst and Ben Ainsley Gill for a practical introduction to how companies resolve international commercial disputes through arbitration.


Trends in Cyber Security

This event is open to staff and students of The University of Exeter.
The Speaker is Anna-Maria Osula, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Reed Smith Placement Opportunity

Here are the details for second year students considering applying for a placement with Reed Smith for 2024. Applications close on 27th October at 5pm


Client Interviewing Competition

Take part in the Law School’s Client Interviewing Competition. Express interest by 5pm on 30 October.


Third year student presents at International Astronautical Congress, Azerbaijan

Exeter Law School student Mila Spence (LLB English Law and French/Master1) has just returned from an incredible trip to Baku, Azerbaijan.


Gray’s Inn: Bar Course Scholarships

Applications open until end Friday 3 November Applications for Gray’s Inn Bar Course Scholarships are now open. Gray’s will award at least £1.4 million in scholarships each year. This year, their intention is to award at least 85 Bar Course Scholarships to support students undertaking the vocational component of Bar training. During the application period they hold free-to-attend […]


Exeter Law School Competition

Open to pairs of students from any years Deadline to express interest: 5pm on 13 October The Law School is pleased to announce a school-wide negotiation competition to take place this term.  This competition will be open to all undergraduate and post-graduate taught students.  The first round of the competition will take place at the […]


Mooting Opportunity: Landmark Chambers

The Law School is looking for expressions of interest from final year students who would like to take part in the Landmark Chambers Judicial Review Moot Competition. This competition consists of public law moot problems, with a focus on public law as it is applied in the planning and environmental law context.  Crucially, no prior […]


Law School Prizes 2023

Each year we award prizes to students across the year groups, and in 2023 we had two new categories. See the pictures of the winners.


Sixth Formers experience the Law School

Students from the local area meet academics from the Law school and hear from a local judge who studied at Exeter


Graduation 2023

Here are some of the pictures and videos from the Exeter Law School graduation ceremonies held on Streatham Campus, Tuesday 18 July 2023. You can view the ceremonies in full on the University of Exeter webpage here and see the Presentation of Degree brochures here. Inspiring Graduation Story: Lewis Dean After losing his mother as […]


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