Exeter School Direct Distance Primary PGCE

Seminar Day 1 Reading and Phonics

Posted by sv303

3 October 2022

We are looking forward to working in partnership with you as we train the next generation of teachers. This site contains information on our curriculum and contact details for the university team. Over the year we will update this blog with information on what has been covered at training events and on the traineesā€™ seminar days. Additionally, we will signpost you to our current research and opportunities to participate so we can partner together.

Thank you all for giving up your time and energy in the midst of your busy lives to partner with us. We hope that you will benefit from this experience as much as our trainees will.

As the focus of our first Seminar Day is Reading and Phonics on the 3rd of Oct

The trainees have been asked to have a look at these resources in preparation for the seminar, which may be of interest to you too in any discussions you have with them:

 Flynn & Stainthorp (2006) The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing. Chapter 3 pg 47-66.

Independent review of the teaching of early reading, Jim Rose, 2006, DfE.

Research evidence on reading for pleasure. Education standards research team (2012), DfE.

Seminar Day 1 with Anita Wood

The aims behind this first part of the Seminar Day is to help our trainees understand:

  • the simple view of reading
  • the strategies used by readers
  • the rationale for using Systematic Synthetic Phonics as an early strategy for teaching decoding
  • the importance of and components of reading comprehension

Then in the second Seminar, we want to explore Childrenā€™s literature and Reading for pleasure:

Reading for Pleasure, The Open University- Teachersā€™ knowledge of childrenā€™s literature and other texts

To understand the link between teacher knowledge and pupils reading for pleasure

To audit their own childrenā€™s literature knowledge

To make an action plan for developing knowledge of recent and inspiring childrenā€™s literature

( we will share some of our favourites !)

To know the evidence about the impact of reading for pleasure on pupil outcomes

To develop a deeper understanding of how to promote reading for pleasure in the classroom

To develop their own reading for pleasure action plan for their class

If you are interested in knowing more about childrenā€™s literature then why not visit:

Power of Reading Books | Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (clpe.org.uk) 

Power of Reading books are carefully chosen by Librarians and a team of teaching experts to ensure children experience a range of quality childrenā€™s books.

For example, a quick filter for books suitable for Years 5 & 6 revealed just a sample- there are many more too!

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