Exeter School Direct Distance Primary PGCE

Community of Practice

Updates from Training, Development and Consultation meetings

On the School Distance Direct PGCE at the University of Exeter, we strive to ensure that our lead mentors and reflective mentors have a ‘deep knowledge of the training curriculum and its application in the teaching of specific subjects’ (DfE, 2021: 11).  We undertake training at key times of the academic year. We begin by establishing a ’community of practice’ (Lave, 1991, Lave and Wenger, 1998) with induction training around the start of term, followed by further training in the spring and summer terms. Our ‘community of practice’, surrounding teacher education, strives to socially learn from each other’s expertise as expert practitioners, educational researchers and academics strive to provide the best teacher education for our trainees.

Course Priorities 2022-23

Our course priorities are determined by our review and development processes, primarily:

  • Development and Consultation meetings with Lead Mentors, ITECs and ECTs
  • Student survey feedback
  • Comments from our External Examiners
  • Course completion/performance data
  • Ofsted feedback

Our key priority this year is improving trainees’ experience of the coherence of the PGCE curriculum. The aim across our programmes is to ensure that all staff working with trainees have a foundational understanding of the curriculum and can support trainees in making links between the university-based and school-based learning.

Other priorities include:

  • Supporting employability
  • Developing confidence in teaching pupils with EAL, and teaching pupils from different ethnic backgrounds

Our next School Q&A drop-in session –  IDP/Exeter Model– is on Wednesday September 21st 4.30-5.15pm.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device  

Click here to join the meeting  

Meeting ID: 386 953 000 700
Passcode: 7DQ7m9 

Training. Development and Consultation November 2022

For the first Training, Development and Consultation meeting of this academic year Anthony Wilson presented his poetry research and explained the way that he and Anita Wood teach English on the Primary PGCE and in SDD seminar days. The poetry research involved mentoring of young talented Poets and in their words, it became clear how significant mentors are. As Lead Mentors and UVTs tasked with assisting PGCE trainees to develop we were inspired by the thought that we can lift trainees up, provide them with a sense of belonging, and motivate them. We can make that ‘one comment’ that inspires them, encourages them and helps them persevere as they train to teach.

The meeting was recorded and, alongside the PPT, is available on the Communities of Practice page.

Training, Development and Consultation February 2023

Agenda for Tuesday 7th February

Sharing Good Practice Good mentoring practice identified by UVTs during visits to be highlighted and discussed
Mentor training Prompt questions to aid reflection 
Curriculum FocusMusic: Explorations in primary music education; supporting trainees to take risks with the creative process. 
Feedback into curriculum for next academic yearWhat areas have you found trainees to be under prepared for?

Below please find the TEAMs link:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 336 196 963 53
Passcode: Szh3ZV