Exeter School Direct Distance Primary PGCE

In category: Seminars

Seminar Day 6 June 12th: PE and Geography

PE The aims of this seminar will include developing an understanding of:  1. To understand what subject knowledge means, why it is important and challenges surrounding traineesā€™ and teachersā€™ subject knowledge and confidence to teach PE.  2. To explore ways of developing traineesā€™ and teachersā€™ subject knowledge and confidence to teach PE.  3. To understand […]


ML and EAL Seminar

Seminar Day 5 on Monday 24th April with be exploring ML within the National Curriculum in the morning and considerations for EAL provision in the afternoon. ML objectives: EAL objectives:


Humanities and Computing Seminar

Humanities and Computing Seminar Day 6th February 2023 The Computing lecture will explore: Digital Literacy Information Technology Computer Science How to support children’s declarative knowledge of computing concepts and apply these in a range of practical ways. Further discussions will explore why computing is important to teach in Primary Schools, and how inclusive practice can […]


Science and Children’s Writing Seminar Day January 9th

Science The morning session will explore the teaching and learning of science in Primary school and will be asking: What are your principles of science teaching – and why?Ā  Key reading : Harlen, W. (2015). Working with big ideas of science education. Trieste: The Science Education Programme (SEP) of IAP. Italy Children’s Writing The afternoon […]


Seminar Day 2 with Taro Fujita and Ruth Flanagan

The focus of our Seminar Day 2 is Maths and Planning for Maths on the 7th of Nov Objectives of the day will be: positive attitudes to maths as a learner and teacher anxieties in maths both as a learner and teacher making mistakes, growth mindset and exploring misconceptions distinctive features of instrumental and relational […]


Seminar Day 1 Reading and Phonics

We are looking forward to working in partnership with you as we train the next generation of teachers. This site contains information on our curriculum and contact details for the university team. Over the year we will update this blog with information on what has been covered at training events and on the traineesā€™ seminar […]
