Exeter School Direct Distance Primary PGCE

Primary National Curriculum subjects

The following pages are a brief introduction as to how we teach each of the subjects in the Primary National Curriculum. You will find a key approach, a key resource and a recommended research article for each subject. We hope you find this useful to inform your own practice and to support the trainees.

Art = Always Right There!

Content (curriculum studies): rationales/pedagogy, planning, assessment, critical studies, drawing, painting, sculpture & digital art making …much more on pathway!

Key approach: The Studio Thinking Framework

Recommended resource: Oak National Academy: Primary Art, Craft & Design 

Recommended research article: Payne, R., & Hall, E. (2018). The NSEAD survey report 2015-16: Political reflections from two art and design educators. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 37(2), pp.167-176.   LINK



Contact Emese.Hall@exeter.ac.uk for more details.


Content – Computational thinking, digital literacy, information technology, computer science.  Online safeguarding,  algorithms, debugging, coding and programming.  Unplugged computing.

Key approaches: teaching computing without computers, using practical methods with Beebots and Scratch

One recommend resource Computing At School (CAS)http://community.computingatschool.org.uk/door

One recommended research articleDecoding LearningRose Luckin, NESTA (2013) https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/decoding-learning/

Contact  H.White@exeter.ac.uk


Content: The Rose Review and Simple View of Reading; Scarborough’s reading rope (https://bit.ly/3w4MD6d); cognitive models of writing theory; creating a rich and inclusive literacy environment for all learners; storytelling; Talk for Writing; shared and guided reading; shared and guided writing; grammar for writing; spelling; poetry; drama; creative approaches to planning from high quality texts.

Key approaches: Underpinning our programme is an emphasis on oracy as a foundational tool in all learning. We also emphasise learning to read and write as meaning making activities. Every student completes at least one episode of peer teaching in systematic synthetic phonics. Every student completes at least one episode of peer teaching in grammar. Every student completes a task on reading assessment in the autumn term. Every student completes one sequence of at least x5 phonics lessons in each of the spring and summer term practices.

One recommend resource: The Centre for Research in Writing Grammar for Writing resources for teachers: http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/education/research/centres/writing/grammar-teacher-resources/grammaraschoice/thegrammarforwritingpedagogy/. Young Poets’ Stories: https://bit.ly/2ZTXxjz

One recommended research article: Wilson, A. C. (2020). The reader, the text, the poem: the influence and challenge of Louise Rosenblatt. Education 3-13, 49:1, 79-95, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2020.1824704

A.C.Wilson@exeter.ac.uk                           A.C.Wood@exeter.ac.uk


Content: National Curriculum, mapping skills, global citizenship, Invaders and settlers, significant events and individuals, religion and worldviews. The focus is on enabling trainees to understand how pupils learn and providing them with tools to facilitate this learning in their classes rather than extensively teaching them subject knowledge.

Key approaches

  Enquiry approach, Graphicacy, RE-searchers

One recommended research article

  Flanagan, R.  (2020) Worldviews: overarching concept, discrete body of knowledge or paradigmatic tool?. j. relig. educ. 68, 331–344.   https://doi.org/10.1007/s40839-020-00113-7

Recommend resources:

•Digimaps (Geography) Digimap For Schools (edina.ac.uk)

•RE Online (RE) Home – RE:ONLINE (reonline.org.uk)

•Historical Association (History) Primary / Historical Association (history.org.uk)

For further information contact: Ruth Flanagan, Humanities Pathway Lead on r.flanagan@exeter.ac.uk


Content: Subject knowledge in mathematics, calculations, and problem solving; Maths mastery approaches; Mathematical thinking, reasoning and understanding; The use of representations and language in mathematics; Critical engagement with planning schemes; Pupils’ misconceptions and assessment; Use of technological tools e.g. SMART Notebook; Research in mathematics education 

Key approaches: Mathematics as human activities is introduced and positive attitudes towards mathematics is emphasised. Making mistakes is seen as a part of learning process for conceptual understanding as well as procedural fluency. Using and applying mathematics in various problem solving contexts. 

Recommend resource: NCETM website; nrich website; Geogebra and Desmos; Data analytics in schools; 2020 teaching mathematics guidance.

One recommended research article: Fujita, T., Doney, J., Flanagan, R., & Wegerif, R. (2021). Collaborative group work in mathematics in the UK and Japan: use of group thinking measure tests. Education 3-1349(2), 119-133.


Modern Languages

Content – KS2 NC, KS2 Framework for Languages, the teaching of vocabulary, phonics & grammar, intercultural understanding, cross-curricular ML 

Key approaches – using stories to develop schemes of work, building trainees’ confidence to have a go!

Recommended resources:

Research Into Primary Languages – research summaries

National Centre for Excellence in Language Pedagogy – links to research summaries, resources for teaching vocabulary, phonics and grammar

Association for Language Learning – primary zone

One recommended research article – 

Cable, C et al (2012) Language learning at KS2: findings from a longitudinal study



Content: To engage with the four key areas of Music (listening, appraising, composing and performing) using instruments, voices and technology.  

Key approach: Developing a strong rationale for Primary Music by exploring and enjoying making music together – from Bach to Bon Jovi via Bali

Recommended resource – Daubney,  A (2017) Teaching Primary Music. London: Sage. •Recommended key publication – Model Music Curriculum: Key Stages 1 to 3 (2021)



Content: Rationale for physical education (PE) and the planning, teaching and assessment of children in selected areas of activity of the PE curriculum (dance, games & gymnastics), from Reception to Year 6.

Key approaches: ‘Growing knowledge together’: Students’ growing subject content knowledge and confidence to teach PE (dance, games & gymnastics) are underpinned by and embedded in Vygotskian principles of social and collaborative learning (e.g. ‘demonstration & modelling’, ‘peer teaching/collaborative learning’).

One recommend resource: The Association for Physical Education: https://www.afpe.org.uk/physical-education/ 

One recommended research article: Katene, W. and King, V. (2019). Physical education. In: D. Pope (Ed.) Understanding subject knowledge for primary teaching. London: Sage AND Katene, W.H., Faulkner, G.E.J. and Reeves, C.G. (2000). The relationship between primary student teachers’ exercise behaviour and their attitude to teaching physical education. British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 31 (2), 44-46.



National curriculum; botany, electrics, material forensics, the human body,  space flight, forces & motion,  climate education and nature connection.

Key approaches – enquiry skills, practical work, dramatic investigative science. Models, analogies, misconceptions, using children’s questions.  Delivery is a combination of pedagogical content knowledge and science subject knowledge.  Aiming to raise the profile of science in schools.

Key resources •Primary Science Teaching Trust https://pstt.org.uk/  •Association of Science Education (ASE) https://www.ase.org.uk/  •STEM learning https://www.stem.org.uk/

One recommended research article 

Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education, Harlen (2010)                                                           H.White@exeter.ac.uk