Updates from Training, Development and Consultation meetings
On the PGCE at the University of Exeter, we strive to ensure that our lead mentors and mentor teams have a ‘deep knowledge of the training curriculum and its application in the teaching of specific subjects’ (DfE, 2021: 11). We undertake training at key times of the academic year. We begin by establishing a ’community of practice’ (Lave, 1991, Lave and Wenger, 1998) with induction training in the autumn term, followed by further training in the spring and summer term. Our ‘community of practice’, surrounding teacher education, strives to socially learn from each other’s expertise as expert practitioners, educational researchers and academics strive to provide the best teacher education for our trainees.
Materials and notes from our Training, Development & Consultation meetings.
Our course priorities are determined by our review and development processes, primarily:
Our key priority this year is improving trainees’ experience of the coherence of the PGCE curriculum. The aim across our programmes is to ensure that all staff working with trainees have a foundational understanding of the curriculum and can support trainees in making links between the university-based and school-based learning.
Other priorities include:
Plan for 23-24
Training, development and consultation meeting agenda for Wednesday November 1st 2023.
T, D n C meeting November 2023
Training, Development and Consultation meeting November 3rd, 2022
We had a change to the published focus due to staff availability. Rob Bennett gave a presentation on our research informed music PGCE curriculum. The maths focus will be in the summer term instead, Tuesday 23rd May. If you missed this, please do email and we can send a recording of the meeting to you.