Unlike content, sections (pages) do not have an expiration feature. If you want to ‘hide’ or remove a page, you have two options:

  • Hide it from the navigation
  • Permanently delete the section (page)

If you wish to hide some or all of the content on a page, you should use the ‘Expire’ content function instead.

How to hide a section (pages) from navigation

Hiding a section (page) from navigation is a good way to temporarily remove it from sight, but don’t be fooled—it doesn’t actually take the page offline. The page will still be accessible through direct search, and it will remain visible to anyone who has the URL.


  1. Go to the appropriate section in the site structure, click the blue Actions button, and choose Edit Section.
  2. Uncheck the Show in Navigation box.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Heads up: These changes will take effect once you publish the parent branch again or after the next scheduled site-wide publish.

How to remove unwanted sections (pages)

Deleting a section or page will also remove all its sub-sections and sub-pages. Once marked for permanent deletion, the section will be purged from the system and cannot be recovered. If you’re unsure, consider hiding the section or expiring its content instead.


  1. Go to the desired section in the site structure, click the blue Actions button, and choose Delete Section. A confirmation prompt will appear.
  2. Click Delete to proceed or Cancel if you decide not to delete.
  3. Once deleted, the section will be marked as Inactive and highlighted in red in the site structure

Heads up: This will remove the page (and its sub-sections and content) from the live site during the next full publish. The page will be added to the purge list and permanently deleted. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

If you need content removed quickly, delete the content instead. It will be removed from the live site right after publishing.

Managing and updating links after deleting a section

If the deleted section is linked elsewhere in T4, a list of linking content will appear. This will show the content name and its location. If you can edit the page, click Actions > Edit to update or remove the link.

Heads up: If you do not have access to page, contact digitalteam@exeter.ac.uk for help.

Accidentally deleted a section or page?

If you mistakenly delete a section or change your mind, you can restore it by immediately reapproving the page for republishing—but act fast!


  1. Go to the relevant section in the site structure, click the blue Actions button, and select Edit Section.
  2. The section status will show as Inactive, meaning it is marked for permanent deletion.
  3. Change the status to Approved.
  4. Click Save Changes.

If you have any questions about this article or need further assistance, visit our Web Support site or reach out to us at digitalteam@exeter.ac.uk.