Dr Lidiany Carvalho – Interaction between soil fertility and pyrogenic carbon in Amazonian soils
Dr Annia Susin Strehe – Effect of lightning on tropical forest composition and carbon dynamics
Dr James Hill – Using charcoal reflectance to understand post-fire changes in tropical forests
Postgraduate students
Jess Thomas (PhD, Univ Exeter – A.G. Leventis Foundation 2021-2025) – Ecological and environmental drivers of carbon storage and resilience in degraded areas of the Amazon
Luciana Pereira (PhD, Univ Exeter International Excellence Scholarship 2018-22) – Potential of ALOS-PALSAR to estimate and map vegetation structural and carbon storage in Amazon forests
Maurivan Barros Pereira (PhD, UNEMAT, Brazil 2021-25) – Post-fire changes in soil carbon in tropical forests
Yuwan Wang (PhD, Univ Exeter-QUEX Scholarship 2020-23) – Peat and fire in tropical forests
Luiz Paulo da Silva (MSc, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil 2021-2023) – Analysis of tropical forest paleo-fires using charcoal data
Emily Doyle (PhD, Univ Exeter – A. G. Leventis Foundation 2021-2025) – Using novel satellite data to assess degradation and resilience of Amazon carbon stocks
George Edwards (MSc, Univ of Exeter, 2022-2023) – Methods to reduce C emissions from above ground biomass, upon removal and storage from gold mining, Ecuadorian Amazon