Office Hours
Note that my office hours may change weekly. Please check for updates on the teaching page here.
I am available to supervise highly motivated, knowledgeable postgraduate research students on both basic science and applied projects related to my areas of research.
International students

Figure: Students study at the Eden Project Tropical Biome as part of the module Tropical Forests in a Changing World led by Prof Ted Feldpausch.
UK and EU students
Internships and dissertation research scholarship: Royal Forestry Society
Potential research projects
There are many exciting options for under- and post-graduate research projects that could make use of techniques learned in Geography modules and analyze data collected over the years by my research group. See the Research page for more info about potential projects and contact Ted Feldpausch to discuss ideas.
Modules taught at Exeter
- GEO1210 Investigating Physical Geography
- GEO2307 Physical Geography Fieldtrip (Brazil Atlantic Forest)
- GEO2309 Physical Geography Practical
- GEO2330 Research Methods for Physical Geography
- GEO2331 Research Design in Physical Geography
- GEO2226 Biogeography and Ecosystems
- GEO3321/22 BSc Dissertation
- GEO3230 Tropical Forests in a Changing World
- GEOM146/7 Solutions Project (academic/internship)
Previous Modules
- GEOM410 Key Themes in Climate Change Impacts and Feedbacks
- GEOM411 Research Methods in Climate Change
International Teaching
- Tropical Forest Management, Tropical Forest Science Post-graduate Program, National Institute of Amazonian Research, INPA, Brazil (co-taught with Prof. Niro Higuchi)
- Tropical Forest Ecology, Tropical Ecology and Conservation Post-graduate Program, University of Mato Grosso State, UNEMAT, Brazil (co-taught with Prof. Ben Hur Marimon)
Exeter Carbon Observatory
As part of my teaching on the carbon cycle and biogeography, I use the Exeter Carbon Observatory.
Postgraduate Examiner
- Amy C. Bennett, PhD, 2020, Univ of Leeds, Impact of the 2015-2016 El Niño on tropical forests
- Manoela Mollinari, PhD, 2019, Univ of Sheffield, Fire in the Amazon forest amidst selective logging and climate variation
- Andrew Cox, MSc, 2019, Univ of Exeter, Protected Area Performance in the Dry Forests and Savannahs of West Africa: a Study using L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (internal examiner)
- Michelle Kalamandeen, PhD, 2018, Univ of Leeds, Forest Loss Dynamics and Impacts from Gold Mining in Amazonia
- Edmar Oliveira, PhD, 2018, UNEMAT-Brazil
- Ike Felix, PhD, 2015, Univ of Exeter, Evaluation of the impact of climate and human-induced changes on the Nigerian forest using remote sensing
- Regiane Lima Roberto, MSc, 2014, UNEMAT-Brazil
- Bianca de Oliveira, MSc, 2014, UNEMAT-Brazil
Teaching Material and Infographics
The following material was produced in collaboration with research partners in Brazil, local practitioners, and Brazilian artists as part of our NERC-supported Amazon Past Fire Project. These resources–in English, Portuguese, and Spanish–are currently being used in Amazonia to teach communities and school children about the historical use of fire, how fire use differs today, with negative impacts on carbon storage, species diversity, and non-timber forest products, and future scenarios for fire and its effects on Amazonian forests. If you use these materials, please reference this project and web page.