This page contains an informal collection of titles, and notes or slides (whenever notes were made available) from our recent reading groups and internal seminars and discussions.

Please ask Emanuele Crosato or Charlie Wilson if you have a suggestion for a seminar. For questions or suggestions concerning the monthly joint tipping points seminar, you can contact Isobel Parry.

Spring 2025

  • 27 February: Alessia Andò [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 20 February: Laurent Pagnier, Inference in Complex Systems and Controlling Critical Infrastructure [10:30-11:30, Harrison 102 (and Zoom)]
  • 13 February: Tomás Buckley, R Tipping for Red Tides [13:30-14:30, Harrison 106 (and Zoom)]
  • 23 January: Lashi Bandara, Harmonic analysis and boundary value problems in geometry [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 16 January: Samuel Engle, TBA [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]

Autumn 2024

  • 5 December: Julian Newman, Saddle-node bifurcation of slow manifolds [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 21 November: Mark Holland, On distribution limit laws for recurrence [13:30-14:30, Harrison 250 (and Zoom)]
  • 14 November: Said Amhemed Elahjel, Bifurcations of attractors in singular fast-slow systems. [13:30-14:30, Harrison 101 (and Zoom)]
  • 7 November: Ignacio Del Amo Blanco, Peaks over threshold method for dynamical systems in climate science [13:30-14:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)]
  • 31 October: Wen Zhiyuan, Lijuan Zhou, Eigenvalues of second order differential equations and some optimization problems [13:30-14:30, Harrison 106 (and Zoom)]
  • 24 October: Kate Nechyporenko, Unfolding of saddle–node-saddle separatrix-loop bifurcations via a non-central SNICeroclinic loop. [13:30-14:30, Harrison 250 (and Zoom)]
  • 10 Oct: Jan Sieber, Modelling maturation delays with abstract integral equations, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 101 (and Zoom)]
  • 3 Oct: Graham Donovan (University of Auckland), Distribution moment methods for characterising critical transitions and early warning signals, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)]

in the past

  • 26 Sep: Tanja Schindler, Scaling properties of (generalized) Thue-Morse measures, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 102 (and Zoom)]

Spring 2024

  • 4 July: George Datseris, multistability and nonlocal stability analysis and continuation, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)]
  • 27 June: Huda Mahdi, Singular perturbation analysis of the Rit-Jansen neural mass model, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 203 (and Zoom)]
  • 20 June: Allen Hart, Reservoir computing and Dynamical systems, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 203 (and Zoom)]
  • 13 June: Continuation programme show and tell, Jan Seiber – DDEBiftool, Saeed Farjami – AUTO, Piotr Slowinski – COCO [15:30-16:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)
  • 6 June: Continuation programme show and tell, Nicolas Verschueren Van Rees – PDE2PATH to solve patterns on a disk, Peter Ashwin – XPPAUT  [15:30-16:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 30 May: Charlie Wilson, Some new results on hitting points infinitely often, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)
  • 16 May: Hussein Muhammadi, Emulating complex dynamical simulators with random Fourier features, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 16 May, External seminar, Eve Marder, Cryptic (hidden) changes that result from perturbations and climate change shape future dynamics of degenerate neurons and circuits [15:00-16:00, B10/Hatherly Labs (and Zoom)]
  • 25 Apr: Farzaneh Darki, Using touch stimulation to enhance separation of sound sources, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)]
  • 4 Apr: George Datseris, Multistability and variability in energy balance models, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)]
  • 21 Mar: External seminar, Davide Sclosa (VU Amsterdam), Graph Gradient Diffusion, [13:30-14:30, Amory B106 (and Zoom)]
  • 7 Mar: Ruth Chapman, Quantifying risk of a noise-induced AMOC collapse from northern and tropical Atlantic Ocean variability, [13:30-14:30, Laver 212 (and Zoom)]
  • 29 Feb: Extra seminar, Alex Lohse (University of Hamburg), Switching Dynamics and Stability of Sequences, [15:00-16:00, Harrison 102 (and Zoom)]
  • 29 Feb: Muhammad Fadera, Arbitrary Sensitive Transitions in Recurrent Neural Networks, [13:30-14:30, Amory B219 (and Zoom)]
  • 22 Feb: Kate Nechyporenko, Neuronal Network Dynamics in the Posterodorsal Amygdala: Shaping Reproductive Hormone Pulsatility, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)
  • 15 Feb: Saleh Alharthi, Towards an Understanding of Euclidean Steiner Networks, [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.4 (and Zoom)
  • 14 Feb: Julian Newman, Itô and Stratonovich SDEs – part2, [14:30-15:30, Harrison 106]
  •  8 Feb: Julian Newman, Itô and Stratonovich SDEs – part1, [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.6 (and Zoom)]
  • 1 Feb: External seminar, Markus Myllyoja (University of Oulu, Finland), [13:30-14:30, Amory C417]
  • 18 Jan: Peter Ashwin, Bounded return time attractors, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 101 (and Zoom)]

Autumn 2023

  • 14 Dec: Julian Newman, Quantifying synchronisation within a network of phase oscillators (joint with Joe Rowland Adams, Philip Clemson and Aneta Stefanovska), [13:30-14:30, Forum, Seminar Room 12 (and Zoom)]
  • 30 Nov: Frank Kwasniok, Anticipating and predicting critical transitions using data-driven non-autonomous dynamical modelling, [13:30-14:30, Forum, Seminar Room 12 (and Zoom)]
  • 23 Nov: Eddie Lee, Growth, death, and resource competition in sessile organisms, [13:30-14:30, Forum, Seminar Room 12 (and Zoom)]
  • 16 Nov: Charlie Wilson, Some results on the Divergence Borel Cantelli lemma – part 2
  • 09 Nov: Charlie Wilson, Some results on the Divergence Borel Cantelli lemma – part 1
  • 02 Nov: Hassan Alkhayuon, Phase-tipping, stochastic resonances and the risk of tipping cyclic ecosystems, [13:30-14:30, Forum, Seminar Room 12 (and Zoom)]
  • 05 Oct: Kolja Kypke: On the representation of multiplicative noise in modeling observed records [13:30-14:30, Forum, Seminar Room 12 (and Zoom)]

Spring 2023

  • 29 June: Sacha Sinet, AMOC stability and tipping Ice Sheets, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 15 June: Ryan Deeley, The impact of timescales on noise- and rate-induced critical transitions in a multiscale marine ecological model, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 8 June: Jimmy Tseng, Shrinking target equidistribution, [11:30-12:30, Laver LT3 (and Zoom)].
  • 1 June: Adrian-Josue Guel-Cortez, Information geometry control under the Laplace assumption, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].
  • 4 May: Inga Kottlarz, Reconstructing Hidden Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Excitable Media Based on Partial Observations, [13:30-14:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].
  • 27 Apr: George Datseris, Framework for global stability analysis of dynamical systems, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]
  • 20 Apr: Markus Mueller, Adaptive control for positive systems with applications to pest management, [13:30-14:30, Laver LT6 (and Zoom)].
  • 30 Mar: Özkan Karabacak, Certification of Almost Global Synchronization of Coupled Phase Oscillators, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)]Slides.
  • 23 Mar: Thomas Tunstall, Tuning spatial distributions of selection pressure to suppress emergence of resistance, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].
  • 2 Mar: Peter Ashwin, Universal Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].
  • 16 Feb: Julian Newman, Self-conditionally trivial sub-sigma-algebras, part 3, [11:30-12:30, Peter Chalk 1.3 (and Zoom)].
  • 9 Feb: Julian Newman, Self-conditionally trivial sub-sigma-algebras, part 2, [11:30-12:30, Peter Chalk 1.3 (and Zoom)].
  • 2 Feb: Julian Newman, Self-conditionally trivial sub-sigma-algebras, part 1, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)] Notes.
  • 26 Jan: Andreas Morr, Detecting Critical Slowing Down under the influence of continuous-time Red Noise, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].
  • 12 Jan: Saeed Farjami, Saddle slow manifold as organizing center for transient dynamics, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 170 (and Zoom)].

Autumn 2022

  • 15 Dec: Ignacio Del Amo, Transition times of a particle driven by Lévy noise in a double well potential, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 107 (and Zoom)].
  • 17 Nov: Mark Holland, On record events and extremes for dynamical systems, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 171 (and Zoom)].
  • 10 Nov: Kerstin Lux (Munich), Tipping Points in Random Ordinary Differential Equations, [11:30-12:30, Laver LT6 (and Zoom)].
  • 20 Oct: Lawrence Lee (Manchester), L^q-spectra of self-affine measures: closed forms, counterexamples, and split binomial sums, [11:30-12:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)], Slides.
  • 13 Oct: Lamia Alyami, Using Extended Kalman filter in non-linear state estimation [11:30-12:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)].
  • 6 Oct: Douglas Coates, Intermittency and non-existence of physical measures, part 2 [11:30-12:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)].
  • 29 Sep: Douglas Coates, Intermittency and non-existence of physical measures, part 1 [11:30-12:30, Harrison 103 (and Zoom)].

Spring 2022

  • 11 Aug: Speaker 1: Guilherme Velez — Speaker 2: Julian Newman, Decay of correlations in random dynamical systems [13:30-15:30, Amory C501 (and Zoom)] Notes.
  • 4 Aug: Finnegan Furey-King (UC Dublin), Population Dynamics and Delay Differential Equations [13:30-14:30, Amory B105)].
  • 7 Jul Bert Wuyts, Bistability of tropical forest and savanna: abandoning the mean field in the quest for better indicators [13:30-14:30, Amory C501 (and Zoom)].
  • Friday 24 Jun: Oleksandr Burylko (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Symmetry breaking yields chimeras in two small populations of Kuramoto-type oscillators, [14:00-15:00, Queens LT4.1 (and Zoom)] Slides.
  • 16 Jun: Demi Allen, Diophantine Approximation for Systems of Linear Forms, part 2: The Hausdorff Measure Theory [13:30-14:30, Amory B308 (and Zoom)] Slides.
  • 9 Jun: Demi Allen, Diophantine Approximation for Systems of Linear Forms, part 1: The Lebesgue Measure Theory [13:30-14:30, Queens LT4.1 (and Zoom)] Slides.
  • 26 May: Emily Stone, A comparison of spatio-temporal patterns in seasonal flu and COVID 19 in a rural US state [13:30-14:30, Queens LT2 (and Zoom)].
  • 19 May: Benjamin Ward (York), The measure of Badly approximable sets [13:30-14:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)].
  • 5 May: Jen Creaser, Quasipotentials for coupled bistable systems [13:30-14:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)].
  • 28 Apr: Speaker 1: Damian Gaska (Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland), Selected Nonlinear Systems in Mechanical Engineering
    Speaker 2: Grzegorz Litak (Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland), Broadband Vibration Energy Harvesting [13:30-14:30, Harrison 215 (and Zoom)].
  • 21 Apr Asim Alawfi, Tracking symmetry-breaking bifurcations in a model for the auditory streaming system with delay [13:30-14:30, Harrison 171 (and Zoom)].
  • 31 Mar: George Datseris (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg), DynamicalSystems.jl – nonlinear dynamics software for everyone [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.4 (and Zoom)].
  • 24 Mar: Nicolás Verschueren, Pattern formation on finite circular domains: nascence and organisation of solutions [13:30-14:30, Old Library 135 (and Zoom)].
  • 17 Mar: Paul Ritchie, Evidence of local Amazon forest dieback in CMIP6 models [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.4 (and Zoom)].
  • 10 Mar: Hannah Laeverenz Schlogelhofer, Combining experiments, analysis and modelling to understand microbial dynamics – from nutrient exchange to motility [13:30-14:30, Old Library 135 Peter Chalk 1.4 (and Zoom)].
  • 3 Mar: Nathan Hughes, Effective Counting and Spiralling of Lattice Approximates [13:30-14:30, Old Library 135 (and Zoom)].
  • 17 Feb: Thoraya Alharthi, Finding critical rates for a parameter shift to
    periodic forcing [13:30-14:30, Washington Singer 234 (and Zoom)].
  • 10 Feb: Lea Oljaca, Milnor attractors for nonautonomous dynamical systems [13:30-14:30, Old Library 135 (and Zoom)].
  • 3 Feb: Julian Newman, Defining the wavelet bispectrum [13:30-14:30, Old Library 135 (and Zoom)].
  • 27 Jan: Noah Cockram, On Piecewise Isometries and renormalization [13:30-14:30, Queens 1H Peter Chalk 2.2 (and Zoom)].
  • 20 Jan: Tim Lenton, An update of climate tipping elements and their tipping points [13:30-14:30, on Zoom].

Autumn 2021

  • 16 Dec: Stuart Townley, Tipping points and chaos in eco-cultural systems [13:30-14:30, Laver 320 (and (Only on Zoom)].
  • 2 Dec: Piotr Slowinski, Reaction times and movement control: dynamical models with time delays [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.5 (and Zoom)] Paper.
  • 9 Dec: Saleh Alharthi, The Behaviour of Minimal Networks in Plant Cells [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.5 (and Zoom)].
  • 25 Nov: Henry Kerr, Firing effects of small neuron motifs [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.5 (and Zoom)].
  • 18 Nov: Ruth Chapman, Stochastic data adapted AMOC box models [13:30-14:30, Harrison 106 (and Zoom)].
  • 11 Nov: Gareth Willetts, Efficient and symbolic computation of the H2 norm via the polynomial Diophantine equation [13:30-14:30, Peter Chalk 1.1 (and Zoom)].
  • 4 Nov: Jan Sieber, Periodic boundary-value problems for delay-differential equations [13:30-14:30, Harrison 106 (and Zoom)].
  • 21 Oct: Rebecca Poon, The dynamics of metachronal coordination in ciliary arrays [13:30-14:30, Queens 1C (and Zoom)].
  • 7 Oct: Ignacio Del Amo, Cellular Automata models of Memristor Networks for Reservoir Computing Applications [13.30 – 14.30, Queens 1C (and Zoom)].
  • 30 Sep: Swinda Falkena (University of Reading), Justification of Delay Equation Climate Models using the Mori-Zwanzig Formalism [13:30-14:30 Peter Chalk 1.1 (and Zoom)].

Spring 2021

  • 17 Jun: Bastian Pietras (TU Berlin), Low-dimensional firing rate models for spiking neurons [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 24 Jun: Tamás Bódai (Pusan National University, Korea), TBA [9:30-10:30 on Zoom].
  • 3 Jun: Ale Jan Homburg (UvAmsterdam), TBA [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 13 May: Ozgur Akman, Boolean delay equation modelling of circadian rhythms [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 20 May: Iva Bačić (CEU, Hungary), Two paradigmatic scenarios for inverse stochastic resonance [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 6 May: Tim Hughes, Efficient computation of the H2 norm of open dynamical systems via the polynomial Diophantine equation [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 29 Apr: Kyle Wedgwood, Adventures in single cell excitability and delay [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 22 Apr: Surabhi Desai, Dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemmas of intermittent maps [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 15 Apr: Chris Bick (VU Amsterdam), Oscillators on Evolving Networks: Fast and Slow Evolution [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 8 Apr: Mark Holland, On almost sure growth rates of maxima and the Robbins-Siegmund criteria [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 25 Mar: Sunil Modhara (University of Nottingham), Neural fields with rebound currents: novel routes to patterning [13:30-14:30 on Zoom] Slides.
  • 18 Mar: Theo Edwards, Dynamical Exploration of Neural Mass Models using Zebrafish Data [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 11 Mar: Postgraduate Sessions: Midhun Parakkal Unni / Thoraya Alharthi / Asim Alawfi [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 4 Mar: Julian Newman, Attractors and attracting measures [13:30-14:30 on Zoom] Slides.
  • 25 Feb: Pezhman Ebrahimzadeh (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany), Reservoir computing with oscillator networks [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 18 Feb: Lea Oljaca, Literature review: Detection of linear response breakdown and misuse/validity of fluctuation dissipation theorem [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 11 Feb: Joe Clarke, The Compost Bomb in the Continuum Limit [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 4 Feb: Peter Ashwin, Excitable Networks in Continuous Time Recurrent Neural Networks [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 28 Jan: Jan Sieber, Non-invasive control and the strong law of large numbers in a random SIS network [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 21 Jan: Adrian Tzs Yan Leung (University of Reading), Why is there a finite predictability barrier for the atmosphere? [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 14 Jan: Giulia Carigi (University of Reading), Ergodic properties of a stochastic two-layer model of geophysical fluid dynamics [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].

Autumn 2020

  • 17 Dec: Manuel Santos (University of Reading), Response and Sensitivity Using Markov Chains [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 10 Dec: Roman Borisyuk, Visual system and AI neural networks [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 3 Dec: Dario Cortese, Modelling helical swimming dynamics in chiral microswimmers [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 26 Nov: Gabor Drotos (IFISC, Spain), Climate change seen through the pullback attractor of an Earth system model: a case study [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 19 Nov: Jen Creaser, Global dynamics of a periodically forced 2-dimensional circadian pacemaker model [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 12 Nov: James Rankin, Granular attractor dynamics in networks for perceptual decision making [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 5 Nov: Pietro Verzelli, Learning Dynamical Systems Using Dynamical Systems [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 29 Oct: Daniele Proverbio, Critical Transitions in cell dynamics [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 22 Oct: Roman Borisyuk, Neural Networks: From Neurobiology to AI [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].

Spring 2020

  • 23 Jul: Camille Poignard, Self-Induced Synchronization by time delay [13:30-14:30 on Zoom].
  • 9 Jul: Max Voit (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany), Coupled simple heteroclinic cycles. [13:30-14:30 ZOOM].
  • 2 Jul: Joel Tabak-Sznajder, How noise shapes the dynamics of electrically active endocrine cells. [13:30-14:30 ZOOM].
  • 25 Jun: Tanja Zerenner, Harmonic Cross-correlation Decomposition for Multivariate Time Series. [13:30-14:30 ZOOM].
  • 11 Jun: Lea Oljaca, Stability of the optimal nonlinear filter in uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems [13:30-14:30 ZOOM].
  • 7 May: Alexey Korepanov, Concentration inequalities in non-stationary chaotic deterministic dynamical systems. [13:30-14:30 ZOOM]. Slides
  • 9 Apr: Bonnie Liefting, Beyond Synchronisation Engineering [13:30-14:30 ZOOM].
  • Friday 3 Apr: Julian Newman, Restrictedly invariant measures [13:30-14:30 ZOOM]. Slides
  • 26 Mar: Andrea Ferrario, Auditory streaming emerges from fast excitation and slow delayed inhibition [13:30-14:30 ZOOM]. Slides

Autumn 2019

  • 12 Dec: Andrea Ceni, Multistability in input-driven recurrent neural networks [13:30-14:30 in Peter Chalk 2.5]. Slides
  • 14 Nov: Jan Sieber, Problems when computing linear stability numerically in differential equations with delay [13:30-14:30 in Amory B218]. Notes
  • 31 Oct: Julian Newman, Topological conjugacy of i.i.d. iteration of random circle homeomorphisms III [13:30-14:30 in Peter Chalk 2.5]. Notes III
  • 24 Oct: Julian Newman, Topological conjugacy of i.i.d. iteration of random circle homeomorphisms II [13:30-14:30 in Harrison 171]. Notes II
  • 10 Oct: Julian Newman, Topological conjugacy of i.i.d. iteration of random circle homeomorphisms I [13:30-14:30 in Peter Chalk 2.5]. Notes I
  • 18 Sep (Wednesday): Courtney Quinn (CSIRO, Hobart, Australia), Reduced Space Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation for Chaotic Multiscale Systems [14:30-15:30 in H209].

Spring 2019

  • 28 Mar: Bonnie Liefting, Kuramoto Model with added White Noise [13:30-14:30 in H107].
  • 21 Mar: Zhi Zhang, Delayed feedback control of grazing-induced multistability in an impacting system [13:30-14:30 in H107].
  • 14 Mar: Ibrahim Alraddadi, Forced Nonlinear Oscillator Models [13:30-14:30 in H215].
  • 07 Mar: Camille Poignard, The effects of Structural Perturbations on the Dynamics of Networks [13:30-14:30 in H107].
  • 06 Mar (Wednesday): Ale Jan Homburg (UvAmsterdam), Asymptotics for a class of iterated random cubic operators (motivated by models for evolution of frequencies of genetic types in populations) [16:00-17:00 in H107].
  • 28 Feb: Marinho Lopes, Distinct dynamical behavior in Erdos–Renyi networks, regular random networks, ring lattices, and all-to-all neuronal networks [13:30-14:30 in H203].
  • 22 Feb (Friday): Oleh Omel’chenko (U Potsdam), Traveling chimera states [11:30-12:30 in H203].
  • 14, 21 Feb: Pedro Peres, Existence of non-trivial embeddings of Interval Exchange Transformations into Piecewise Isometries [13:30-14:30 in H203 (Feb 14) and H209 (Feb 21)].
  • 07 Feb: Mark Holland, Recurrence properties of intermittent systems [13:30-14:30 in WSL 234].
  • 31 Jan: Tanja Zerenner, Graph theoretical analysis of climate data [13:30-14:30 in H107].
  • 17 Jan: Juho Leppänen (University of Paris 6), Normal approximation for time-dependent dynamical systems by Stein’s method [13:30-14:30 in H209]

Autumn 2018

  • 14 Dec (Friday): Chandrakala Meena (Bar Ilan), Stability and control mechanisms in complex dynamical networks [15:30-16:30 in H215]
  • 13 Dec: Alexey Korepanov, Statistical properties of nearby quadratic maps on short time scale [13:30-14:30 in H209]
  • 03 Dec: (rescheduled to Mar 21, 2019) Zhi Zhang, TBA [13:30-14:30 in TBA].
  • 15 Nov: Chen Chris Gong (U Potsdam), Repulsively Coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi Phase Oscillators Ensemble Subject to Common Noise [13:30-14:30 in Physics 124].
  • 08 Nov: Jan Sieber, A sudden transition in a forced system as non-smooth saddle-node of invariant curves [13:30-14:30 in H209].
  • 25 Oct: Karl Nyman (U Copenhagen), Bifurcation of critical manifolds and relaxation oscillations in singular slow-fast systems [13:30-14:30 in H203].
  • 18 Oct: Jen Creaser, A network modelling approach to EEG microstates [13:30-14:30 in H106].
  • 11 Oct: Bert Wuyts, Modelling of tropical vegetation dynamics via reaction-diffusion equations with spatially heterogeneous forcing [13:30-14:30 in H209].
  • 27 Sept: Hassan Alkhayuon, Weak tracking for nonautonomous Rössler system [13:30-14:30 in H209].
  • 20 Sept: Mark Callaway, Random dynamics of pitchfork bifurcations with additive noise [13:30-14:30 in H106].

Spring 2018

  • 17 May: Lamees Felemban, Coupled oscillator models for orientation dynamics [13:30-14:30 in H215].
  • 10 May: Swinda Falkena (University of Utrecht), Derivation of a Delay Model for the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation [13:30-14:30 in H215].
  • 03 May: Vadim N. Biktashev, St. Petersburg paradox for quasiperiodically hypermeandering spiral waves [12:30-13:30 in H215].
  • 19 Apr: Peter Ashwin, Some things about heteroclinic networks [13:30-14:30 in H209].
  • 29 Mar: Jan Sieber, Spectrum of periodic orbits in delay equations with large delays [15:30-16:30 in H203].
  • 22 Mar: Harun Baldemir, A mathematical study of complex oscillatory behaviour in an excitable cell model [13:30-14:30 in H170].
  • 15 Mar: Alexey Korepanov, Strong approximation by Brownian motion in deterministic dynamical systems [13:30-14:30 in H101].
  • 08 Mar: Douglas Coates, Semistable laws for finite measure preserving intermittent interval maps [15:30-16:30 in H203].
  • 01 Mar: Rescheduled; campus closure due to snow.
  • 22 Feb: Chris Bick, Frequency synchrony and chaos in small oscillator networks [13:30-14:30 in H101].
  • 08 Feb: Sofia Castro (Porto), Dynamics of Learning in Game Theory.
  • 25 Jan: Pedro Peres, Embeddings of Interval Exchange Transformations into Planar Piecewise Isometries.
  • 18 Jan: Ilias Panagiotopoulos (Rostock), Contol-based Continuation of Pedestrian Flows.

Autumn 2017

  • 21 Nov: Yiwei Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Understanding physical mixing processes via transfer operator approach.
  • 03 Nov: Özkan Karabacak, Almost Global Stability and Lyapunov Measure.
  • 27 Oct: Christopher Marcotte, An introduction to PDE continuation problems.
  • 20 Oct: Jen Creaser, An introduction to numerical continuation with AUTO. (slides)
  • 11 Oct: Hannah Kreczak, Rates of chaotic mixing: models of fluid devices with discontinuities.

Spring 2017

  • 14 Jun: Mary Thoubaan, Symmetry and Synchrony in six coupled oscillators.
  • 10 May: Usman Mirza,  Sudden social-ecological changes with rising inequality.
  • 3 May: Gabriela Depetri, Breathing Hamiltonian chains: Non-ergodicity as a trigger for non-trivial heat propagation.
  • 05 Apr: Oskar Weinberger, Semigroups and hidden symmetries in coupled cell networks.
  • 15, 22 Mar: Ana Rodrigues, On the topological and fair entropy of maps of an interval.
  • 08 Mar: Douglas Coates, Toward new limit theorems in dynamical systems.
  • 22 Feb, 1 Mar: Jan Sieber, Convergence results for equation-free analysis.
  • 08 Feb: Harry Green, Atrial Fibrillation: A Mathematical Model to Improve the Reliability of Intracardiac ECG Signals During Therapy.
  • 01 Feb: Abdullah Aldurayhim, Exact analytical propagating front in a polynomial reaction diffusion system.

Autumn 2016

  • 07 Dec: James Rankin,  Pattern formation in a neural field model of visual cortex.
  • 30 Nov: Courtney Quinn,  Palaeoclimate Dynamics Modelled with Delay Differential Equations.
  • 16 Nov: Burhan Bezekci, Strength-Duration Relationship in an Excitable Medium.
  • 09 Nov: Hassan Alkhayuon, R-tipping from periodic orbits.
  • 02 Nov: Jennifer Creaser, Modelling noise-induced escape problems in networks.

Spring 2016

  • 22, 29 Jun: Tomas Stary,  Asymptotic analysis of Markov chain ion channel models
  • 27 May: Khurram Wadee, Buckling of a plate on a foundation: spot and stripe formation in elastic layers supported by substrates (Paper).
  • 14 Mar: Congping Lin, modelling spatially coordinated diffusive and long-range transport of organelles in an elongated cell.
  • 15 Feb, 7 Mar: Dalia Terhesiu,  Some aspects of renewal theory for Markov chains.
  • 22 Feb: Peter Ashwin, Defining Chaos. (Paper)
  • 18, 25 Jan, 01 Feb: Mark Holland, Statistical properties of extremes in chaotic dynamical systems

Autumn 2015

  • 03 Dec: Peter Rashkov, Emergence of drug resistance in cancer from the perspective of ecological competition
  • 12, 19, 26 Nov: Paul Ritchie, Optimal Paths: Revisited (slides)
  • 21, 29 Oct: Pedro Peres, A one-dimensional dynamics approach to hyperbolic boundary value problems
  • 07, 14 Oct: Jan Sieber, Time-delayed feedback (notes, pdf)

Spring 2015

  • (cancelled)16 June: Marc Goodfellow, Network structure, seizure dynamics and treatment for epilepsy
  • 09 June: Peter Rashkov, Modelling regulation of cell polarity in Myxococcus xanthus
  • 02 June: Christian Bick, Dynamics of Asynchronous Networks
  • 28 May: Harun Baldemir, Complex Calcium(Ca+2) Oscillation Patterns in Immature Inner Hair Cells
  • 12 May: Sara Alokley, Extremes in Chaotic Maps and Financial Returns Data
  • 05 May: Paul Ritchie, Interactions Between Noise and Rate-Induced Tipping (slides)
  • 24 March: Harry Green, A Dynamic Model of Pulmonary Vein Electrophysiology (slides)
  • 17 March: Yiwei Zhang, Ergodic optimization of prevalent super-continuous functions
  • 10 March: Mark Williamson, Detection of bifurcations in noisy coupled systems from multiple time series, Part II
  • 03 March: Mark Williamson, Detection of bifurcations in noisy coupled systems from multiple time series, Part I
  • 26 Feb: Alexander Lohse, Existence and stability of elementary heteroclinic networks in R4 (slides)
  • 24 Feb: Stephanie Zegowitz, Closed orbits in quotient systems (cont’d)
  • 17 Feb: Stephanie Zegowitz, Closed orbits in quotient systems (slides)
  • 10 Feb: Atiqah Mohd Roslan, Stability index for a riddled basin for a piecewise linear map (cont’d)
  • 03 Feb: Atiqah Mohd Roslan, Stability index for a riddled basin for a piecewise linear map (slides)
  • 27 Jan: Peter Rashkov, Self-Organisation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems (cont’d)
  • 22 Jan: Peter Rashkov, Self-Organisation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems (slides)

Autumn 2014

  • 09 Dec: Ildar Sadreev, A Systems Model of Phosphorylation for Inflammatory Signaling
    , (paper)
  • 02 Dec: Vadim Bikashev, Mini school cont’d on Spiral Waves in systems of reaction-diffusion equations in two space dimensions
  • 25 Nov: Colin Torney, Information use and collective decisions in social systems
  • 11, 18 Nov: Vadim Bikashev, Mini school on Spiral Waves in systems of reaction-diffusion equations in two space dimensions, based onV.N. Biktashev, A.V. Holden, Resonant drift of autowave vortices in 2D and the effects of boundaries and inhomogeneities, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5(3,4): 575-622, 1995
  • 14, 21, 28 Oct, 4 Nov: Vadim Bikashev, Mini school on Travelling waves in systems of reaction-diffusion equations in one space dimension based on
    Y. Kuramoto, Instability and Turbulence of Wavefronts in Reaction-Diffusion Systems, Prog. Theor. Phys. 63(6):1885-1903, 1980
  • 07 Oct: Peter Ashwin, The Mid-Pleistocene transition as a generic bifurcation on a slow manifold

Spring 2014

  • 11 June: Alef Sterk, Predictability of extreme values in geophysical models
  • 04 June: Mahar Saeed, Modeling sensory neuron Kv7.2/3 and Nav1.7 channel dynamics using
    Hodgkin-Huxley formalism
  • 27 May: Burhan Bezekci, Analytical Approach to Initiation of Excitation Fronts, Part II (slides)
  • 21 May: Burhan Bezekci, Analytical Approach to Initiation of Excitation Fronts, Part I
  • 14 May: Paul Ritchie, Most likely paths (slides)
  • 07 May: Tomas Stary, Dynamical Properties of Markov Chain Cardiac Ion Channel, part 2 (slides for both parts)
  • 06 May: Claire Postlethwaite (University of Auckland), Heteroclinic Networks: stability, switching and memory (slides)
  • 27 Mar: Nandor Terkovics (University of Bristol), Substructuring a Nose Landing Gear-Fuselage System (slides)
  • 25 Mar, Peter Ashwin, A definition of chimera state for indistinguishable oscillator networks?
  • 18 Mar, Clare Perryman, Rate-Induced Bifurcations: Can We Adapt to a Changing Environment? Part II (slides)
  • 11 Mar, Clare Perryman, Rate-Induced Bifurcations: Can We Adapt to a Changing Environment? (slides)
  • 04 Mar, Tomas Stary, Markov chain ion channel models, part 1
  • 25 Feb: Congpin Lin, Endoplasmic Reticulum as minimal-length Euclidean Steiner network, Part II (slides for both parts)
  • 18 Feb: Congpin Lin, Endoplasmic Reticulum as minimal-length Euclidean Steiner network
  • 11 Feb: Arno Steinacher, Signal processing in cells: the role of duplications
  • 03 Feb: Helmut Schmidt, Network-driven synchronisation of phase-coupled oscillators, Part II (slides for both parts)
  • 28 Jan: Helmut Schmidt, Network-driven synchronisation of phase-coupled oscillators, Part I
  • 16 Jan: Yiwei Zhang, A glimpse in thermodynamics formalism

Autumn 2013

  • 11 Dec (I): Atiquah Ummu Mohd-Roslan, (cont’d) Computation of periodic points for baker’s map and their averages
  • 11 Dec (II):George Petkov, (cont’d) Multiple oscillatory states in models of collective neuronal dynamics, stability, and the role of connections(networks)
  • 04 Dec: Krasimira Tsaneva-Atansova, Bifurcation analysis of coordinated movement dynamics Notes, part 1, Notes, part 2 (pdf)
  • 26 Nov: Atiquah Ummu Mohd-Roslan, Computation of periodic points for baker’s map and their averages
  • 19 Nov: Jan Sieber, (cont’d) Differential equations with state-dependent delays Notes (pdf)
  • 12 Nov: Marc Goodfellow, Intermittent state transitions in network models of epilepsy
  • 05 Nov: Arianna Marchionne, Troels Bøgeholm (Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark), Duffing’s Equation: properties and applications in climate modelling
  • 29 Oct: Jan Sieber, Differential equations with state-dependent delays Notes (pdf)
  • 22 Oct: George Petkov, Multiple oscillatory states in models of collective neuronal dynamics, stability, and the role of connections(networks) Notes (pdf)
  • 15 Oct: Varun Kothamachu, Phosphorelays and Two Component Signalling Networks: Ubiquitous signalling architectures

Extreme events

  • 18 June: Sara Alokley, On record statistics and its application to financial mathematics
  • 04 June: Mark Holland, Extreme events in dynamical systems II Notes (pdf)
  • 29 May: Mark Holland, Extreme events in dynamical systems I

Spring 2013

  • 21 May: Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan, Stability index for chaotically driven concave maps III, Notes (pdf)
  • 14 May (I): Clare Hobbs, Rate-induced tipping,
  • 14 May (II): Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan, Stability index for chaotically driven concave maps II
  • 26 Mar: Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan, Stability index for chaotically driven concave maps I
  • 05 Mar: Leo Luecken (HU Berlin), Emergence of two-cluster states in systems of globally pulse-coupled oscillators
  • 19 Feb: Leo Luecken (HU Berlin), Reduction of transmission delays in coupled systems

Discussion of systems with S1 symmetry

  • 19 Mar 2013: Jan Sieber, Bifurcation analysis for systems with continuous S1 symmetry II Notes (pdf),
  • 12 Feb 2013: Jan Sieber, Bifurcation analysis for systems with continuous S1 symmetry I Notes (pdf), Summary(pdf)
  • 11 Dec 2012: Sebastian Wieczorek, Some thoughts on bifurcation analysis for systems with continuous S1symmetry II, Notes (pdf)
  • 04 Dec 2012: Sebastian Wieczorek, Some thoughts on bifurcation analysis for systems with continuous S1symmetry I
  • 13 Nov 2012: Peter Ashwin, Thoughts on symmetries and stabilities for pattern-formation on infinite domains

Autumn 2012

  • 18 Dec: Hans Dierckx (Ghent University, Belgium), A curved-space description for the dynamics of excitation waves in the heart
  • 23 Nov: Andrew Roberts (UNC), Searching for Mixed-mode Oscillations in a Simple Energy Balance Model.
  • 02 Nov: Clare Hobbs, How fast is too fast – towards a better understanding of rate dependent tipping
  • 23 Oct: Vadim Biktashev, Symmetries and perturbations of spiral waves II
  • 16 Oct: Vadim Biktashev, Symmetries and perturbations of spiral waves I
  • 12 Oct: Jan Sieber, Differential equations with delay – characteristic matrices
  • 05 Oct: Oleksandr Burylko, Study of Bifurcations and Competition in Phase Oscillator Network with Positive and Negative Couplings
  • 28 Sep: Jan Sieber, Differential equations with delay – characteristic matrices Notes (pdf)